Friends again

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What huh guess me and Tord fell asleep and its night shit
Tord: huh what what time is it?
Matt: like 9:00
Me and Tord: Fuck
Me: well guess you want that spear gone
Tord: yep
Me: OK 3 2 1 pull yoink!
Tord: ow fuck
Tord: you know what I have kinda put the revenge behind me as soon as you offered me beer
Me: its a work in progress, hey so can you walk?
Tord: yes
Stands up
Tord: so what do we do know?
Matt: let's talk about me
Both: shut up
Matt: (Cry's)
Tord: hey who wants ice cream
Matt: me I guess
Tord: what about you?
Me: nah I prefer beer
Tord: suit yourself
Hmm friends again I can work with that

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