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Livia's POV

We didn't stay at the party much later, all four of us agreed it was actually pretty shit and everyone there was completely wasted besides us. So Ellie and I headed back to my house and the boys headed back to there's.

Once in our PJs and snuggled in our beds, Ellie and I started chatting. "This has been such a weird week," she sighed. "Yeah, not quite what I had imagined but definitely not bad. We didn't get much girl time though," I replied. Ellie and I had been so excited about this week together. We had planned shopping trips and girly days but none of them had happened. "How about we going on a girly shopping trip tomorrow?" Ellie suggested to which I immediately agreed before drifting off to sleep.

We got up at around ten in the morning and started to get ready. We always put a bit more makeup on when going out shopping just to have more fun and feel more girly. I wore my antisocial social club top tucked into mom jeans with a belt and Ellie wore a mustard jumper with ripped jeans and a denim jacket. Both of us wore vans.

It was probably one of the best days I'd ever had with Ellie. We managed to find loads of clothes that we liked, laughed way too much and had a cute lunch date. We gossiped loads about the boys and how fast everything with them had happened. "I can't believe how suddenly the boys were in our lives," I said before taking a sip from my vanilla milkshake. "I know, I feel like normally I would say it was too fast to get into a relationship but it's different with them."
"Yeah I agree, but I don't know why it's different."
"Because they're the ones!" Ellie exclaimed causing giggles to occur and wedding discussions.

"Who are you marrying?" A familiar voice ask from behind me. I turned around to see Jake sipping a coke from MacDonalds. "Oh, Grayson actually," I smiled before giggling slightly. He looked quite hot and normally I would have a silly smile on my face and go all weak, but I didn't. Jake didn't have the same effect on me anymore, not since Grayson. Grayson was definitely more attractive and made me feel more butterflies than Jake ever had.

"Did you guys leave early last night? I didn't see you since you and erm Grayson went off," Jake asked as he pulled a chair up to the table, he mumbled Grayson's name uncomfortably. "Yeah sorry we had to head off," I replied before looking at Ellie as if to say: why the fuck did he sit down? "Shame, I missed you," he said with a wink which made me feel uncomfortable. His flirting made me cringe now instead of excite me. He was nothing compared to Grayson.

"What are you doing later? There's a good film on tonight at the cinema," he muttered with that side smile he thinks will win me over. "Sorry Jake, I don't think it's appropriate for you to be asking me on a date," I replied quite firmly. "It's not a date."
"What is it then?"
"Just friends catching up." He said it more as a question than an answer. "I don't think so Jake," I sighed before turning to Ellie, "do you need to go to the bathroom?" To which she nodded and followed me.

I decided I should tell her about what Jake had said before his party, to give her a better idea of what was going on. As soon as we were in the bathroom she was talking.

"What the fuck was that? Why is he asking you out?" I explained the conversation I had with him previously. "I knew there was something fishy about him. He was being too friendly to you," she said manner of factly. I nodded and we began getting right into our gossip mode, trying to find reasons and explanations to everything. Just then I got a text from Grayson:
I turned to Ellie and showed her the text. We exchanged confused glances before heading out of the bathroom. Our trip had been successful so we decided to go and see what Grayson meant.

Grayson's POV

"I really don't know Eth," I mumbled as I ran my hands through my hair nervously. "I don't know what to do, what if they don't want to?" He was trying to reassure me but I could tell he was just as nervous as me. I sat down beside him instead of pacing and stared at the floor. "How did we forget about this?"
"The girls, we forgot because we were with them all the time," he said. He made it sound as though they had taken over our lives and in a way they kind of had. Livia was on my mind 24/7 and whenever I was with her nothing else was relevant.

The door bell ran which broke us both from a trail of thought and hurry to the door. Livia looked gorgeous as always, smiling at me. Somehow her smile made me relax even though it meant she was here and I was going to have to ask her.

"So... what's up?" She asked as she sat on the couch. Ethan and I looked at each other as if to say: you speak first. "Well, we erm, we booked a holiday a while ago to Australia," I started. "This was before we met you guys and when we were single and stuff," Ethan broke in giving Ellie an awkward look. "It was supposed to be like a lads holiday to go to festivals and meet girls. We were meant to be going with erm, Nate," I spat his name out angrily. "And Paul." "But we're obviously not going with them anymore," Ethan quickly cut in. The girls looked very confused as they watched us awkwardly mumble to them. We must have looked so stupid. "Basically, we're going on holiday to Australia next week for seven days. Nate and Paul aren't coming anymore so would you want to come instead?" I blurted out. The girls stared at us for a moment. I was trying to read Livia's expression. What if she thinks I'm a weirdo for wanting her to go on holiday with me a week after knowing her? Her and Ellie looked at each other, smiled and looked back at us. "We would love to!" They squealed excitedly. "Oh my gosh really!?" I gasped pulling her into a tight hug.

A/N: Sorry for a slightly boring chapter but don't worry there's more drama coming up ❤️

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