Subtle Hints

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Colby's POV

I woke up to a little fuzzball still cuddling me, Tynan still looked peaceful as he slept, so I carried him around while I did my morning routine so he would wake up. Eventually he did.
"W-what? Why are you carrying me?" He slowly realized I was carrying him, and was a little grumpy that I had.
"Sorry, but the couch was... sweaty so I wasn't going to leave you there." I lied, not telling him the real reason why.
"Fine..." he replied as I put him down.
"By the way, you want to take a shower?" I asked him.
"Huh? Oh uh, sure... I've never done that before..." he said, each word a little quieter then the previous one.
"Okay, wait I'll go out and get you some clothes to change into." I said. I was a little sad that if I did this I'd no longer always be seeing him shirtless, but he wasn't going back into those shorts until they were washed as well. I went out to go shopping for fennec clothing, surprisingly the store had quite a good amount. I bought him some T-shirts, shorts, jeans, tank tops, underwear, and sweatshirts to wear. I got back before he was finished. I'm guessing he got caught up thinking in the shower.
"Hey you still in there?" I asked, still hearing the shower running.
"Oh! Uh, yeah..." he said, his voice shy for some reason.
"Okay! I'm leaving a change of clothes out here for you!" I announced, leaving a tank top and shorts for him to wear, of course along with some underwear as well. I was so tempted to peek on him as he changed, but I resisted the urge, as that would be creepy. I awaited him to come out, my tail wagging.

Tynan's POV

I spent a lot more time than I expected in the shower, it just felt so nice to have the water running down my back, cleaning out my fur. I swear I dropped a pound or two during that shower. It was my first good cleaning I've ever really gotten. And I loved every moment of it. When I finally got out, I assumed Colby wouldn't be in his room, so I didn't put on a towel. I got dressed and looked in the mirror. I saw how the pants really emphasized on my... well, maybe it wasn't just the pants I guess, I exited the room and saw Colby waiting for me, his tail wagging.
"Hey Colby" I greeted, hoping he thought I looked good.
"Hi Tynan." He said, I wasn't completely sure, but was he blushing? No, I was letting my feelings cloud my vision or something. We maintained eye contact for a few seconds, staring into eachother' eyes. I got lost in his.
"So uhh... you look...." he said, obviously unsure how to put it.
"I look what?" I asked, my tail wagging a little more than I would've wished.
"Hmm.... how do I put this...... that outfit really uh.... brings out your..." He started.
"My butt?" I asked, knowing what he was trying to say.
"Y-yeah... that..." he finished.
"Does it bother you?" I asked, my tail still wagging.
"Of course not." He said.
"Hope it doesn't distract me..." he mumbled.
"What?" I said, hoping he was serious that he liked my butt.
"Oh uhhh, nothing!" He said, picking me up... by the butt. I moaned a little for some reason.
"What was that?" He asked suspiciously.
"Oh uhh. It just reminds me of when uhhh." I tried to explain, when a horrible memory popped into my brain. One I had worked so hard to forget.
"Well, a couple years ago..." I began explaining.


It was midnight, I was on the run. I had managed to escape my owner, a bulky tiger who was cruel. And he had some harsh punishments. He was chasing me, I was a lot smaller so I couldn't outrun him. I could only try to  fit through small gaps, but he eventually caught me.
"Somebody's been a naughty fox." He said in a cruel tone. He shoved me to the ground, I was too scared to move.
"It's time for your punishment." He said, licking his lips as he stared at my butt.
"P-please! I'm sorry! I'll never do it again!" I cried as I felt him pull my pants off. I was so scared, not knowing what he was going to do.
"Well let's make sure you don't." He said, before there was a huge pain. He had inserted his member. I yelped in pain, however it quickly turned to pleasure. I was crying because I was scared, yet moaning because it felt good. He kept calling me horrible things like "slut" and "toy". I hated it and passed out before it was over.

"Oh my god... that's horrible..." Colby said, hugging me closely.
"I mean it's in the past... maybe one day I'll be able to get revenge...." I said, not realizing that I had just slipped that I wanted to revenge fuck a guy.
"Would you ever... have it happen again? I mean not as a punishment, but as... real love?" Colby asked.
"I guess, if I was into that." I said, as I liked the feeling, so if it were true love I would love it. It was an awkward moment between us. I could sense that he asked that question for a reason. There's no way, he can't love me too can he?
"Here, do you want me to put you down he asked.
"N-no...."  I let my feelings take control.
"I thought you didn't like being picked up." Colby was about to put me down.
"I-I lied... sorry..." I admitted, slowly opening up to him.
"Oh.... I'm guessing because you didn't want to be consideredy cute?" He asked.
"Yeah... I guess..." I so badly wanted to tell him how I felt, I had a gut feeling he felt the same way about me. But I didn't want to risk it.
"Okay, I'm going to give you the day off, I'll work in the fields. Just get me if you need anything."

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