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The time was 7:34pm by the time we'd finished dinner, I couldn't be asked to wash up tonight. Still wearing Wills jersey and my cotton shorts, I carried out played to the kitchen. I felt a hand quickly grab my waist and spin me round. I put down the plates to see a smirking Will. He put his hands up his jersey and guided his hands up my back. I placed my hands on either side of his face and kissed him, now I had the urgency to. I pressed my body up against his, and cheekily ran my hand down underneath his trackies and his briefs. I liked teasing him so I didn't go all the way, he obviously enjoyed it because he paused kissing me and let out a small groan. He bit my lip and pulled at it. He pulled away and picked me up and carried me to the sofa. He sat down, me still attached to him and got the blanket and remote control. I slid off his lap and laid next to him, out legs intertwined and we watched the movie. He chose a horror movie after all, 'The Autopsy of Jane Doe' it was called. Now it was me getting scared. Whilst cuddling into him because of the jump-scares, I must of fell asleep. I felt a little nudge but I didn't react. I felt someone lying me down and then laying behind me, cuddling me. Luckily the sofa was big enough for the both of us.

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