Ch. 12

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Well well well... we meet again.


Sorry for the delay, I had to study for my finals... goodness this year went by so fast. Gonna be a Junior next year!!!!!

I don't wanna grow up :(

and I will try to update more because I've heard that Junior year is going to be hectic. So I get my vacation and everyone's happy.

Also I'm super happy because I finally finished City of Heavenly Fire book 6 of the Mortal Instruments!!

I just can't wait for the next series coming on May 2015.  Aaah.



"They are the worst Kidnappers ever!," I moaned. Apparently after I fainted they took me to Elijah's pack. Those little dweebs, I thought, decided that a squirrel's life was worth more than mine. I'll show them who's worth more than me and while doing it I just might be hanging their Penis on a leash while I attach it to my car and drive all the way to a dark forest where I will torture them with Elijah's horrible singing. And don't even get me started with Elijah, when he found me all unconscious in some stranger's arms do you know what he said. He said,

'where is my car?'

The loser didn't know that his precious baby was the exact opposite when he had last seen her. Ha. Take that you cold hearted demon.

"Tatum! Can you please get me some Baseball nut ice cream from Baskin Robins.. I'm an injured woman!" I mean helllooo she said and I quote while we were watching Criminal Minds and the commercials popped up, randomly saying from now on that she would help as many injured people that you know were injured.

And what do I see? Hmm. That she's too busy painting her huge toes(aka horrible painting by the way.) But I'm serious if never seen her feet, just so you know Tatum has huge feet. No kidding. I'm being dead serious right now.

She bit her lip for concentration while finishing.


She looked at me for approval and I frowned and gave her ' I'm so disappointed in you' look.

She sighed and threw her hands up in exasperation and stood up to leave.

"Oh well, they'll just fade when I take a shower."

"Have you been listening to what I just said you loser."

I glared at her and threw a nail polish at her back. I'm being serious even Mabel had a better reaction than her, the girl slapped both the driver and the leader.

She gasped and froze in her stop,

"okay okay fine I'll listen to you. "

"You know what just never mind." I angrily stood up and made my way out of the room. What's her problem?!

"Okay okay," Tatum grabbed my hand and turned to look at me," fine I'll listen okay! You don't have to be pissed at me."

"I shouldn't even have to ask you! I could have died Tatum, I was afraid and freaking terrified! I needed my bestfriend to console me, I needed you!" After all the trouble I did for her, taking all the blame so that they would hit me instead of her. All this time I would try to not cry for her sake, I would try being the stronger one for both of us. For once I would like for her to be there for me. Is it to much to ask?

I walked around her and made my way to my room ignoring her yelling after me.

I shut the door hard before leaning against it and crying silently to myself. 

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