Ch. 13

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Imagine a world that us bookworms would love to live in... just imagine.

If you have 150 billion dollars what would you do?

What if all Disney Princesses were real and that you were descendent from one of them? Who would it be...

Just think about it.

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That night I barely slept a wink. I tossed and turned all night but got up and decided to take a shower 3:16 in the morning and slept there. I gotta say sleeping in the shower was the best sleep I ever had.

I changed and started brushing my hair. When I felt that it was dry enough I put it in a fish tail braid.

I sighed and dived into my bed. I grabbed my book on the nightstand and began to read. I just don't get why people put on chapters, why can't we just read whenever we want and stop whenever we want.

"Kadira," Tatum walked into my room and sat on top of me."Elijah wants to talk to all of us."

"Alright but get off me..." I gasped and began to hit her with my elbow.

She got off and stood next to me,"come on.. pack meeting! "

I raised an eyebrow.

"Did you just say pack meeting? "

"Yes! Now come on." She sighed and pushed me out of my room.

We walked into the pack meeting room and I sat infront while Tatum walked up to stand next to Elijah. She layed her hand on his arm, Elijah turned around and smiled at her wich seemed like more of a grimace.

Once everyone sat down his voice echoed through the whole room.

"Alright everyone as you know this is the first meeting we had since... well since I was given the alpha title. "

He then turned to us and got serious, "there has been rogue attacks for the past 5 years and some packs have lost many pack member's, and I want to thank the Moon Goddess that it never happened to us..." he started.

"But lately some packs have been having trouble trying to stand on their feet, and some of the reasons would be that they lost their mates or children and another reason would be that many children have lost their parents and are lost."

"Now we need to help them at least a little. I talked to some of the alphas and they agreed to help also, but any ideas on how we can help them? " He asked looking around the whole room.

A middle-aged women coughed and stood up," Alpha if its okay can we start donating clothes for the children's that need it? We can ask around the pack families to see if any clothes that don't fit the children may be donated to the ones that need it."

"That's a great start Susan," he smiled at her,"we'll do that. Any other ideas?"

"How about fixing there pack house?" I spoke." you know maybe repaint it."

Elijah nodded at me and sighed.

"Alright that's a good idea and since you suggested it, you're in charge of that job."

"Everyone start preparing, we are going to a pack that needs our help. Susan I want you get any children's clothes that you can get a hold of. You are dismissed. "

Everyone stood and bowed before Elijah and Tatum and one by one they left.

I walked towards them.

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