Chapter Two
I woke up on the living room couch watching reruns of Gossip Girl. I sat up and wiped the sleep out of my eyes. I stood up and walked to my kitchen. I saw my mom had already made some coffee so I poured some into my favorite mug. I opened the fridge and grabbed hazelnut creamer, my favorite. I poured it into my coffee and then grabbed a spoon and mixed it in. I put the creamer back into the fridge. When I shut the fridge door Luke was standing there.
"Hey beautiful." He said smiling.
"Don't call me that." I said grabbing my coffee.
"Why not?"
"Because we are not together, and we will never be together."
"But that doesn't mean I can't call you beautiful."
"Luke, just please don't. I don't want to be hurt." I said walking up the stairs.
I walked into my bedroom to find Calum asleep on my bed. I set my coffee on my nightstand and walked into my closet and shut the door. I changed into some blue high wasted shorts and a plain white v neck that was pretty loose. I tucked the T-shirt into my shorts and then I opened my closet door and Calum was still asleep. I grabbed a blanket from my blanket basket and put it over Calum. He rolled over and smiled at me, I kissed him on the cheek and then grabbed my coffee and shut my bedroom door. Calum, he was my best friend. We did everything together. He is like my second brother.
I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I pulled out my makeup and straightener. I plugged in my straightener and turned it on. Then I did my everyday makeup and hair. My hair was a light brown color that stopped a little bit under my rib cage. It had some layers and I had "side bangs" but not really they were just layers. They were down to my collarbones so I'm pretty sure I shouldn't call them bangs.
I was pretty skinny too. I wasn't like ill skinny, it was just how I was built, but being a dancer and cheerleader helped that as well. I was an All Star Cheerleader and a national champion dancer. I had been cheering since I was little same with dancing. I lived in America since I was little because I wanted to do so much dance and cheer. I lived with my aunt and uncle, I still do live with them. But I visit my real family in Australia about once a month. I love my real family but I want dance to be my future career so I have to focus on that more then having a social life, which has it's ups and downs. I've been homeschooled since I moved to America so I can focus on cheer and dance. I have dance during the day and cheer in the evening/night. My schedule was always busy expect Saturdays and Sundays. Right now I
was in Australia visiting my family.
In my family it just my parents, Michael, and I. We had a small family but I liked it. Michael has always been protective over me. He has to know where I'm going and with who. He has to know what time I'll be home, who's driving, if I need money. But that's why I like living in America sometimes, privacy.
I didn't have an Australian accent, well I said some words with an Australian accent, but most of the time I spoke like an American. But I guess when I lived in America since third grade I would have an American accent. I hated my voice, I couldn't sing. Which I always wanted to, but I sound like someone stepped on a cat.
My phone started to vibrate, I looked at the caller ID: Summer. Summer was one of my best friends.
"Hello?" I said.
"Hola, okay me and Harmony are coming over. Be there in like five. Love you bye."
Wow fast phone call. Summer and her twin Harmony have been my best friends since I could ever remember. Summer has black hair that goes down to collarbones. She wears glasses and is pretty short she's only about 5'3. Harmony is taller she's about 5'8 she has burgundy hair that is ómbred at the ends that my brother loves. (I think they have a thing together but I don't wanna find out.) Harmony is musical one in our group, she can sing and play the the piano and guitar. I'm super jealous of her. Summer is the fun one, she loves to have wild times, she is also hysterically funny. We have another friend in our group, her real name is Charlotte but she hates that name so she goes by Charity. She's around 5'7 and has blonde hair that goes right past her boobs. She is so pretty she makes me super jealous. She is also the sweetest human being I have ever met. Which is why her name Charity suites her. She was dating Ashton Irwin who is a band member in my brothers band. That's how we all met her.
I met Summer in America at the park when I first moved there. I use to hate her because she made fun of my accent, which I had a full blown Australian accent back then. But then I met Harmony and we became best friends, and since Harmony is Summers sister I became Summers friend too.
I heard a knock on my bathroom door, "Yeah?" I said
"Hey Skye, can I come in?" It was Ashton.
"Yeah I'm just doing my hair."
"Sweet" he said opening the door.
"How'd you sleep?" I asked him.
"Pretty nice, Michael's floor is pretty nice."
"Who slept on the other couch?"
"Michael did, and you and Luke shared the other couch but I don't trust-"
"WAIT WHAT?" I yelled
"I was gonna say I don't trust Mich-"
"NO I SHARED THE COUCH WITH LUKE?" I dropped my eyeliner.
"Yeah?" My jaw had dropped, "but anyways I don't trust Michaels bed because I don't know...."
I zoned out about what he was saying. I shared a bed with Luke. Luke Hemmings. Luke freaking Hemmings. I really need to get my mind off of this silly boy. But did I really want to?

We Look Like Idiots
Fanfiction5SOS Love Story: After about five minutes of running down the street together, we finally stopped to catch our breathe. We both looked at each other and started to laugh. We looked like idiots running down the street at three am. But I wouldn't min...