Once the doctors finally got me to stop screaming I couldn't talk or move or do anything again. I heard a nurse saying something like: "Sir no this is family only please go back to the waiting room." And then I saw him. Luke Hemmings. He's here but I don't want him to see me like this, well to be honest I don't even what I look like.
"Skye. Skye I love you." He said before the doctors grabbed him. He grabbed onto my hand and I wanted so bad to squeeze back but I couldn't I tried so hard and I started crying.
"We look like idiots." He shouted as the doctors pulled him away.
We look like idiots I tried to say back to him but I couldn't, I just let the tears roll out of my eyes. Well I guess I would just go back to sleep.
When I woke up I was in a different room and Michael was sitting there on his phone.
"Skye you're awake." He said smiling and rolling his chair toward me. He grabbed my hand.
"Mom and Dad are on there way from the airport. Do you need anything?" He said. I blinked twice.
"Okay I'm supposed to ask you that when you wake up." He said smiling. "So i need to tell you something. Do you wanna hear my girl drama?" I blinked once. Of course I did, it would be the best conversation id have all day. Finally no one asking me if I need anything, or trying to hold my hand and I can't squeeze back.
"Okay well don't hate me but... I asked Harmony out.." My eyes widened. "Are you mad?" I blinked twice. I'm so happy for her, Harmony has had the biggest crush on him since I first introduced them. "Okay good, since ya know you're dating my best friend so I thought it would be okay." Then he did it. The thing I didn't want him to do, he grabbed my hand. I wanted to hold it back. Michael is my best friend, even when I lived in the US we facetimed everyday and he was my best friend well he still is. I closed my eyes and I used all of strength, squeeze it, squeeze it. I kept telling myself it wasn't that hard to just do it. And then I felt it. I felt his hand on mine. I squeezed as hard as I could before it went numb again. "SKYE YOU DID IT!" He said kissing my forehead. "I have to go tell the doctor." I smiled. "YOURE SMILING, SKYE!" I smiled. I SMILED. Let me get the doctor. Then he left but then Luke came in after.
"Skye. How is my star?" He said sitting down in Michaels old chair. I just smiled at him. "Look at that beautiful smile I love." If I could blush I'd be blushing. "Ya know I wasn't supposed to tell you this but I knew you'd find out from a shit doctor or something. If you don't recover fast enough they are gonna pull the coord." He said with tears. What? They were gonna stop me from breathing. For the first time if tried to turn my head and I did. I was improving. "Skye can you look to the right?" I moved my head to the right and saw this big machine then looked at where the chords led to. My lungs, they weren't working, these machines were keeping me alive. "See those machines are helping you breathe. But I screamed at them that they can't just take you away, and look you are improving." Then Michael and the doctor walked in.
"So you can smile, move your head, and you squeezed Michaels hand correct?" I blinked once.
"Let's try talking, try something that means a lot to you that you can feel yourself saying."
I opened my mouth and it was stuck open cos I tried to make my lips move, a groan came out of my mouth. So I can make noise but I can't move my lips. I looked at Luke, at his lips. He was mouthing something at me. I tried to copy my his lips while making a sound. My lips copied his but just moans and groans came out.
"What is she saying?" The doctor said.
I ignored them i closed my eyes, "W-w-e l-l-look liiike idiouts." I said. I SAID SOMETHING. "Wwe loook likke idiots." I said again. I opened my eyes to see Luke right next to me crying.
"We look like idiots." He said back to me. He said it so beautifully, the way his words rolled off his tongue made me wanna kiss that boy.
"We look like idiots." we said at the same time. Luke kissed my forehead.
"Okay she's making progress, but she is probably only gonna be able to talk she won't be able to do much else after that." The doctor told Michael in private, but I could hear them.
"She will never be able to breathe by herself probably. So when your parents get here we can decide if you guys can pay for the iron lungs or you have to pull the chord." He told Michael.
No. I will walk out of this hospital in less then a month. I will not die, I will not be paralyzed, because this is not me. And I will fight until I cannot fight anymore.

We Look Like Idiots
Fanfic5SOS Love Story: After about five minutes of running down the street together, we finally stopped to catch our breathe. We both looked at each other and started to laugh. We looked like idiots running down the street at three am. But I wouldn't min...