Things Are Hard Sometimes

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Lauren and Ally had recently broken up and Lauren was hung up badly. She missed Ally almost everyday and wished things could've been different. She wished sometimes that they could be friends but she knew that would only make her feelings deeper and make the love she once felt come back. She couldn't put herself through that.

Months went by and Lauren leant to let go pieces of Ally and she had become stronger and dependent on herself instead of others. She had learnt to be aware of what she said before saying it, she had learnt to not be so selfish and also learnt to be aware of others feelings. That was until she met Camila.

Lauren was proud of how she had gown and learnt to be a better person but as soon and she met Camila things started to become familiar to her old self.

When Lauren and Ally were together, Lauren would sometimes call her friends in a group call while Ally was busy at work. She went to go call one day but realised that they were all already on a call, she joined and met some pretty cool people. Dinah had introduced Lauren to her other friends and they all got along like a house on fire.

Months went by and the group calls regularly stopped. After Ally breaking up with Lauren, they all decided to go and grab a coffee to cheer Lauren up. Lauren had never met most of the people in the call since they were Dinah's friends and would only talk in the call. Lauren met her new/old friends and was introduced to each one in person this time. Lauren wasn't very good with names and cant even remember half of the names, but one. Camila.

Camila was very, simple. She was outstandingly gorgeous and just all in all Lauren's type. She had an innocent look about her and it intrigued Lauren.

"So which one of you left our call to make my favourite sandwich?" Lauren asked laughing.

"That would be me" Camila said holding her hands up like she was surrendering. Lauren blushed a little already knowing she had something in common with Camila. They stayed in the coffee house for about 4 hours before finally deciding to head home. Before leaving they all swapped numbers with the ones who didn't have each others. Camila grabbed Laurens phone and added her number.

Days went by and Lauren and Camila had been spending a lot of time texting and talking on the phone and even meeting up sometimes. Lauren had developed feeling for Camila and it felt weird with it not being Ally. She had just come out of the shower and was getting ready to put on a movie until the phone rang.

"HEY!!" Dinah yelled from the other side.

"Hello" Lauren said a bit scared at the fact Dinah is shouting.

"Gurllllll we need to talk" She said.

"Right okay, about?" Lauren asked getting worried.

"Camila likes you and she wants to ask you out" Dinah blurted. Lauren immediately hung up the phone. She started panicking. It got harder for her to breathe and she sat on her bed gasping for air. She didn't even feel happy, she felt worried and scared. She called Dinah back after she finally got the air back into her lungs.

"What happened?" Dinah asked. She explained how she felt and Dinah said she was coming over. About 15 minutes passed when there was a knock on Lauren's door. Dinah came in and they both sat down. Lauren explained how she felt once again but in detail to Dinah and Dinah's expression changed. Her face kind of had that 'I'm sorry' look on her face. Lauren stopped talking.

"What?" She asked.

"It sounds sounds like you have commitment issues" Dinah said awkwardly. Lauren just stared at her. The thought never crossed her mind.

"Ok" is all Lauren could say.

"What are you going to do?" Dinah asked.

"I don't know. Things are hard sometimes. I got to work this out"


Another random update, enjoy x

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