Aww they are adorable!

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3 graders pov.

" I heard we have a sub today" I told my friends. My friends give me a confused look.

" Really? " they ask me. I nod and smile.

" Yep! Her name is Ms Adrian! I think she is one of the mean subs " I whisper with wide eyes.

My friends gasp.

" I hope she is nice! Our original teacher is the worst teacher in history!! I exclaimed and everyone nods in agreement.

" She is in the copy room and I haven't seen her yet, I was just told that by another teacher " I tell them.

I look out the door and see her coming this way. I gasp with wide eyes.

" she is coming! " I tell them and we run to our seats.

She walks in and looks at us and wait ... did she just hug a student?? Wait she is giving everyone a hug. Omg she is nice!!

" Ok everyone I have a question for you guys" she tells and we all nod.

" Why are you guys sitting at your desk? " She ask us and nobody says anything, so I speak up.

" we thought you were mean so we ran to our desks " I explain.

" Why did you think I was mean isn't every teacher nice? " she ask.

"  Not our teacher! She is really MEAN! " I tell Ms Adrian and her eyes widen.

" Why didn't you tell anyone? " she asks worried.

" she is very scary! I already told you that! " I tell her.

" I will not let her do that anymore " she tells us.

" How will you do that? " Lucy asks her.

" I will tell the principal and I will be your teacher forever! " She declares. All of us kids cheer.

" I will call him right now,ok? " she asks and we all nod in excitement.

She calls him and then hung up with a big smile on her face and squealed.

" I am your NEW teacher! " she tells that and we all run up to her and hug her to death.

" yay! " we all yell.

" Ok story time "she tells us.

She brings in comfy little chairs for each of us from her car and we sit in them and she reads us Charlotte's Web.

When we were done she printed our names on the comfy chairs and told us we could sit in them all day as long as we keep our talking down and we nod.

She teaches us math that we understand but our old teacher wouldn't teach us, all she does is just tell us to figure it out by ourselves anyone because of Ms Adrian our grades our going up now. Our parents love her, too!

It is lunch time and we were going to go into the lunch room but our teacher called us and we turned around.

" Does some kids wanna go to Dairy Queen? " she asks us with a big smile on her and and we nod.

" How are all of us gonna for in your car? " I ask her.

" My car is a very long can do I can fit about 60 kids in my car " she tells us while calling the principal.

" How is that possible? " Ken asks her.

" I have a limo " she tells us and our eyes go wide.

We all get in the limo and Ms Adrian tells the driver to please drive to dairy queen and he nods. We arrive.

Adrian's pov.

" Jake, so you want anything? " I ask my driver asks for a chocolate milkshake and I nod.

" Ok kids lets go in now" I tell them and they get out of the limo and we walk in.

We waited about 5 minutes and then it is our turn.

I ask them and they all agree on chocolate ice cream. I buy myself a ice cream sundae and I also buy 2 chocolate ice cream cakes for the teachers and one for the class and everyone gets in the limo and I give Jake his chocolate milkshake and the kids and I get drove to the school and we get into the classroom and there waiting was McDonald's for each of the kids.

" I ordered it while we were gone so you guys could come back and eat lunch " I tell tell and give them a piece of ice cream cake.

" Thank you " they tell me and I nod.

" Ok be good I am gonna give each of the teachers a piece of ice cream cake " I tell them and leave the classroom and come back in 5 minutes and they just were talking and I smiled.

" Ok everyone time to go " they all say bye to me.

" Bye I will see you guys tomorrow " I have to them and they leave with their parents and I lock my door and go home.

It is 5:30 by the time I get home.

I walk in.

" Drake I am home" he comes down the stairs and hugs me.

" How was your day? " he asks me and I smile.

" Awesome, I am now a full time teacher because the old teacher was so mean to the kids" I tell him and he smiles.

" Oh, by the way Brady is in the guest room for a couple months or more because his parents kicked him out " Drake tells me and I shrug.

" Ok, I don't care " I tell him, " But he better not be bringing in girls at night" I warn my brother and he nods.

" Ok, he already agreed to that and I told him he is paying for half the bill and he is buying stuff using his own money and he said fine" he tells me and I nod slowly.

" Wow, look who is talking about me, the hottie " Brady comes down with a women and they are both dressed though. I look at my brother giving him a warning look and he gives me a I know look.

" Brady, I told you no women" Drake growls at Brady and Brady's eyes wide open in surprise and I frown because I don't like it when Drake is like this.

" I know, but she is a girl not a women"  he argues with Drake. Drake growls and shoves Brady and Brady's back hit the wall and groaned in pain.

" Don't you dare back talk me, Brady! " Drake yells in his face and Brady pushes Drake off of him and they both stand up and glare at eachother. " Adrian give the girl some food and water, please" Drake asks me and I nod and lead the girl into the kitchen.

Drake's pov.

" You can't do that in my house! Ugh, why did you do it?! Oh, wait I know! " I say angrily at Brady, " You want to just use them for sex! Brady you can leave now! I don't want you in my home anymore! " I scream at him and Brady huffs and walks over to me and whispers in my ear " Well you don't know that I had sex with your sister " he whispers in ear and I freeze and he smirks and laughs. " Bye Drake have a good night. Oh, and tell Adrian I said bye or whatever. Like I care " he laughs while rolling his eyes and I clench my fist and glare at him.

I walked into the kitchen and I only see my sister standing there drinking chocolate milk and she looked up at me and had a confused look on her face. I glared at her and she gave me a concerned face expression.

" She went home by the way and why are you glaring at me like you are mad at me? " She asks nervously and I smirk and laugh.

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