Chapter 17

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Connor ended up staying the night too. Josh had volunteered to sleep on the couch in my room, leaving the bed for Connor and I. He slept the bed with me. I could feel the loved pouring from his heart the whole night as he held me tightly in his arms. We didn't even get changed either. The two of us slept in my uniforms the whole night.

"Wake up Josh!" Connor and I shouted.

He grunted at us as he opened his eyes.

He yawned and said, "So Andrew, I texted the coach last night."

"Wait. You did what?!" I said.

"And you've got a spot on the JV team now. Congrats."

Connor was literally jumping for joy. He kissed me two or three times and I smiled. I finally get to play soccer with Connor.

"So Andrew, I've got our date for today all planned out already," Connor changed the subject. "I don't want you to get changed. I want you to wear that uniform on our date."

He must really think I look cute in my uniform. I wonder what he had planned. I didn't even know that he wanted to go on that date today, but whatever. I wasn't going to let him down, I couldn't.

"We are going to be meeting Alexis at the park at about 11:30 AM," he told me.

I have a feeling that he has been planning this date for a while. I put my finger up to his lips and shushed him.

"Don't spoil it. I want to be surprised," I told him.

He looked at me and smiled, "Okay."

I honestly had no idea what I was doing. I guess I took a leap of faith. Hopefully it wouldn't come back to bite me in the ass.

I looked over at the clock in the room. 11:00 AM. I smiled and laughed to myself.

"Connor, you do know that it's already 11?" I asked him.

"Yea. So we need to leave now!" he exclaimed.

"Josh, I guess I have to go. Just go ask my mom for a ride home. She'll take you," I said to Josh as Connor was literally dragging me out of the house.

The two of us started walking to the park. When we got to the end of the driveway, I noticed that I still had my cleats on. I could've sworn that I took them off after the game ended. Connor wouldn't let me go change them. I had to walk in the grass instead of on the sidewalk. After all, I didn't want to wear down my cleats and ruin them.

I still wasn't sure if this date was a good idea, but it was way too late to second guess myself or change my mind. I spent most of the walk still trying to understand and figure out what I was feeling, thinking, and doing.

"Andrew! Are you even listening to me?!" Connor snapped at me.

"Huh? Wha? Oh no. I zoned out I guess. I'm sorry." I said as I came back to reality.

"I said. We are here," he restated.


I hadn't even realized but, I guess the two of us walked all the way to the soccer field at the park. I guess I was really zoned out. I looked around to and in front of one of the goals, I saw a red head girl sitting on a blanket. She looked orange; I think she must've gotten a spray tan recently. I realized, after a moment that it was Alexis.

Connor grabbed my arm and dragged me over to her as he shook his head and sighed. I guess he though I zoned out again.

"Connor, it's 11:42. You're late."

"I'm sorry Lex, but someone was walking pretty slow," he explained, gesturing towards me.

"Who? Me?" I asked.

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