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Ok, this chapter is about periods, what to do when u get them, what to wear, what helps the cramps, etc.

Nobody likes there period, am I right? Like I get mine and all I say all the time in my mind during that time of the month is 'i hate life to the fullest' 'omg these cramps make me wanna die already' 'am I finally dieing my slow death that I always knew would come...?' lmao, I have said all of those atleast once a month.

Kay, these step is before u get your period, like what I mean by that is if u already had ur period then follow this step, but if u haven't had ur period before yet, then that's ok, it's good that u got a head of what's coming, so when it does come u could ask ur mom, sister, aunty for a pad or tampon (pads are better because if u where tampons all the time, it will make the space where u place it bigger over time and do you want that to happen? I know I don't).
Before u get ur time, u wanna carry around some extra stuff with u, like carry a mini bag that's not transparent (see through) and put ur pads in there and carry them in ur back pack, have some stored in your locker, some in ur purse, etc.
Because u always have to be prepared  for it, cuz u don't wanna be standing there with blood coming down ur leg in the middle of class or something and u could be to shy to ask anyone, so I suggest that u keep some extra ones around cuz it might happen to anyone, even you. Ps if u just had ur period in less than a year, then maybe keep an extra pair of pants at school cuz u could have an accident.

Clothes, hmm, well pretty much all I can say is, u can dress the same, but some clothes might make it awkward because of the pad/tampon. So all I'm saying is u can wear anything, but just try not to where white, or any other light colored pants.

Pads and tampons. Well, I know pads come in all different sizes depending on ur pantie size and night or day pads. But im pretty sure that tampons are just all one size. Pads like I said come in 6 sizes. Extra Small panties for size 1, small - medium for size 2, medium - large for size 3, large - extra large for size 4, and sizes 5&6 are meant for the night which they cover from front to back. They also base pads on the blood flow as well.

Ok, some people are lucky (like my aunty), and they don't get cramps, while every other girl has to suffer with cramps. But hold the phone, there is a few tricks and ways that can decrease how much pain u get when u have cramps. 

Trick #1: excerise

Move around, don't sit on ur ass all day, cuz if u do get cramps it means that ur blood isn't flowing and there's a small blood clot some where (if u go to the bathroom and u see a blood clot, that's what caused ur cramps, but if u use the bathroom and it just drips means it's ok u are doing ok and that you would need to try another trick to get the cramps away). Move around and when I say move around I don't mean like go for a 20 mile run or 250 push ups, no, I mean just like walk around ur house, sweep the floor, wash the dishes and clean up and stuff, that kind of excerise.

Trick #2: drink water

Ok well this one isn't AS affected as another one that I have but it's good to drink water, and keep yourself healthy cuz when u get ur cramps sometimes u just wanna sit there and do nothing but sleep but when u try to sleep u can't cuz of the pain. So when it on ur turn of the month u wanna try and have as much fluid in u as possible.

Trick #3: wet towel

K idk what to call this so I just called this the wet towel lol, but hey this actually works if u do it right, and sometimes j have to do it again cuz ur cramps could be really strong. U need a face clothe or a towel and get some hot or really warm water, get that face clothe completely wet, ring it out,  fold it in half and place it where ur cramps are at, but lay on ur bed while doing this so ur body is relaxed and keep it there u til the clothe goes cold. If u still have cramps do it again but maybe move it around and try that.

Ok well that's all I have for periods y'all have a good day, tell me what u think, tell me if u think this was good, or bad or it was helpful. U guys give me some ideas of what else I should put in my story, I usually put anything that people would need to know like basics of stuff pretty much. K byee now

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