Chapter 2

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"Lovin' you is like a fairytale

I just can't pick up the phone again

This time, I'll be on my own, my friend

One more time, I'm all alone again

Sex with you is like I'm dreamin', and

I just wanna hear you scream again

Now you're gone, I can't believe it

Time I spent with you deceivin' me

I don't care if you believe in me

I still wonder why you're leavin' me

I don't care if you believe me

I still wonder why you tease me"

Spotlight by Marshmello & Lil Peep blasted into my ears through my headphones as I cried on the way back to my house. I kept the song on repeat because there is this one line that is exactly what I'm asking myself.

Time I spent with you deceivin' me.

Those words echoed through my head, I walked up to my driveway and saw that my mom wasn't home. Gives me time to myself and a chance to escape all the questions that my mom asks when I get home.

I slammed the door and ran up to my loft area, jumped onto my bed and screamed. Max, my cat jumped up onto my bed and started purring and asked for attention. I groaned and rolled onto my side and started to scratch him, he flopped down closer to me. I sighed,

"What am I going to do now Max? I have no friends and I'm lonely all the time." I said and Max meowed at me and I smiled. I got up and changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a black crop top hoodie with stripes on its sleeves. I put my hair in a ponytail and went to work. I didn't care if I showed skin at my job cause my boss knows that I'm bullied and he didn't give me a dress code. I shoved my phone into my back pocket and went back downstairs. I grabbed my purse, fed my cat and left for my shift at the local coffee shop.


I walked up to the coffee shop and right away there was something odd in the air. I opened the door and the little bell on top of the door rang to tell everyone that I had entered the shop. Samuel, my boss, came from the kitchen and smiled when he saw me,

"Hey Bebe, how were your exams and break?" I smiled when he called me by my nickname.

"It was good, I get my results tomorrow!" I beamed and he reflected my happiness.

"Here," Sam says as he throws me an apron. I grinned and tied it in front of me. I took my place at the counter and took the orders for a couple of people until I started making the coffee.

"2 black coffees, one maple Danish And a chocolate doughnut?" I called out and a middle-aged man took it and dropped a tip. I continued to make the different combinations of food, I heard the bell rung and I flashed my smile about to take the order until I heard the giant commotion.

My smile faded as I opened my eyes, I saw Shylia's posy and Carter with his friends. I dropped the coffee cup I was holding and it shattered to pieces and the hot chocolate spilled everywhere. Carter looked up to see what happened and when our eyes met his eyes turned black. My breath picked up as I grabbed the paper towels and started cleaning up the mess.

It took me only a minute to clean up before I stood up brushing off any dirt on my jeans and stood in front of the machine waiting for them to make up their minds. Carter didn't take his eyes off of me for the whole entire time. I cleared my throat

"Hello, what can I get for you?" I asked not looking up at them.

"4 extra large hot chocolate with whipped cream, 8 sandwiches of the day, and 3 doughnuts. I don't know what doughnuts but make it quick please." Stephanie, Shylia's side bitch said and I quickly got to making the sandwiches and hot chocolates.

"Yo Sam!!" I yelled not looking up from the sandwiches. Sam poked his head out from around the door.

"Sup Bebe?" He asked, I looked up and blew a strand of hair off my forehead and looked at him.

"Can you please get 3 doughnuts and the whipped cream please?" I told him and he nodded

"Anything for you Bebe." He said and disappeared into the kitchen again. I smiled again and shook my head, I got 2 trays and put the hot chocolates in it. Sam came back with the doughnuts and whipped cream. I opened the can of whipped cream and squirted the cream on the hot chocolate.

"Here you go! Have a good day." I said automatically.

"Yeah, you too." One of the guys said back. I took one last look at Carter before he disappeared out the door.

"Bebe you look tense. You Okay?" Sam asked with distress. I looked at him with sad eyes trying to give him a smile. I sighed

"Not really. The people that just left... they are the people that make my life miserable. And the guy that was staring daggers at me was my friend but ends up he was never my friend." I said as I let it all out. Sam pulled me into a hug trying to calm me down, and it was really helping.

"You are the greatest gay friend that I will ever have." I laughed and he laughed.

"You're like my little sis. I won't leave you hanging." Sam said

"Thanks, Big Bro." I teased him and he smirked. I had been working here for a year now. My brother helped my mom with the money but then he was sent off to my Aunt Heather's in Texas. Then I had to start working so I could at least pay for my own food.

Even though Sam loves me and cares about me... it doesn't outweigh all the people that hate me.

It was quarter past 8 now and the shop was going to close in 45 minutes. I was currently on my phone going through Pinterest posts and then the door opened letting in the cool California air.

"Babe!" Sam exclaimed and I turned and saw a muscular guy that had black hair and ocean blue eyes. I smirked at them, they were hugging and whispering to each other.

"Yo Bro. Are you going to introduce me to your Slutty Olof?" I joked and he pulled away and blushed.

"Bebe... This is my boyfriend, Trevor. Trevor, darling. This is my cool little sister from another mister-" I burst out laughing at that

"Blair but I call her Bebe." He finished and his boyfriend reached out to shake my hand, I took it and smiled

"Nice to meet you," we said in unison.

"Sam if you want to go... you can go! I'll lock up the place!" I said happily, Sam's tanned face lit up.

"Oh my god! Thank you thank you thank you!! I love you, Bebe!" He jumped up and down like a little kid on a package of Smarties. He took Trevor's hand and lead him out the door. I let out a loud sigh, there were currently 3 customers reading books at the tables sipping on coffee. I took out a broom and turned up the radio a little bit louder. I started to dance as I cleaned soon after that the customers left and I was by myself.


I heard the door click as I locked the coffee shop on my way home. I looked up to the clear night sky, the stars were shining bright and same as the moon. I wonder how life would have been if I wasn't just a waste of space. I suddenly heard a can being kicked over behind me, I spun around and saw a drunk couple stumbling around and I let out a sigh of relief. I walked a little bit quicker tonight because I still felt that something weird was going to happen.

"Carter. Darling. Can we go to your place? I want you so bad." I heard Shylia's voice behind me. I stopped and turned around, I paid closer attention to the drunk couple and I saw that it was Shylia and Carter drunk. I looked back towards the direction of my house, I just ran back to my house. I couldn't stand to look at them, not after everything they had done to me.

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