Chapter 24

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I heard the blood pumping in my ears mixed with the high pitched ringing. Adam was whipping something out from behind his back and I saw that he had pulled out his own pistol, Carter was yelling something but I couldn't make it out. I tried to focus on my surroundings but I couldn't, Adam looked at me with fear in his eyes. My cheek stung and warmth was slowly growing in my body was adrenaline shot through me.

Carter reloaded his gun and aimed it back at my head, my body kicked into overdrive and I grabbed his wrist before wrapping myself around his torso. I twisted myself so I was on top now, the hand that he had his gun in was pointed towards Adam, if he pulled the trigger it would kill Adam.

I ripped the weapon out of his hand and pressed it against the back of his skull, he froze completely and grinned at me.

"You wouldn't shoot me," he laughed as my hearing slowly returned to normal and I snarled at him.

"Why does everyone assume that!!" I yelled as I pointed it to his free arm and shot it twice. He let out a howl and I returned the line of fire towards his head.

"Doubt me again and this will be lodged in between spinal disks!" I threatened him and his smile fell. I blew a loose strand of hair out of my face as I kept my aim steady.

"Blair, leave him! We have to go." Adam said frantically as he glanced at the entrance of the alley, my eyes followed his eyes and I saw a red and blue light flashing against the building. I glared down at Carter before chucking the gun somewhere random before getting up to wrap myself in Adam's embrace. He gripped my waist with one hand as he kept his gun on Carter,

"Follow us and I'll kill you myself," Adam warned before pushing me back into the club.

Adam kept a sturdy grip on me as he pushed through the crowd, my hand found its way to my face and I felt something wet on my fingertips. I brought my hand down to look at them in the flashing lights... It was blood. Adam threw me forcefully into the parking lot towards my car before asking the bouncer to find Greta and Xavier.

I groaned as sudden pain went through my skull and Adam had noticed me hunching over slightly, he draped one arm over his shoulder before dragging to the safety of my vehicle.

"Where are your keys?" He asked quietly and I reached down my bra to retrieve my keys once more, he raised an eyebrow at me.

"What? It was the only place to put them." I defended myself.

"I didn't say anything." He said as he took the keys and started the car. He grunted as he reached into the back seat to grab something from his bag. I saw that it was a package of cigarettes and a lighter, my hand shot out to stop his and he looked up at me.

"You told me you quit," I said with a tad of disappointment in my voice, he looked down to the floor of my car. I watched as the cops went inside the club.

"I smoke once every few months... like you do." He said as he pulled his hand out of mine, I rolled my eyes.

"Then give me one too." I declared as I shoved open my door and walked towards the hood of my car. He took one out and placed it between his lips before passing me the pack of Camels, I did the same as him. He rolled the metal sparkwheel down into the red ignition button and lit his up before leaning over to start up mine.

I pulled the smoke deep into my lungs as much as I could, the rough scratch on the back of my throat was enjoyable to me, but the immediate relaxation even before the release of the smoke through my nose was the most inviting thing for me.

"I haven't seen you smoke since probably... Christmas?" He thought back with a smile, I smirked at him at the memories of the holidays that we've shared together.

"No, actually it was Cinco de Mayo. That was the time before this one remember? That was the first time I tried something other than nicotine." I told him and he laughed.

"I remember the first time you smoked! You didn't know how to do it properly and you kept on licking the filter, I yelled at you not to do that but you still did it." I laughed at the memory,

"You also got so dizzy as you tried to get back to your classes but then you just stopped trying. We just ended up laying on the side of your school as we laughed about random things." I looked down at the ground with a smile.

"That was the day that I first kissed you," I said and he nodded his head as he took another puff out of his cigarette, I brought mine back up to my lips but stopped halfway as I saw my brother burst through the doors looking around in distress. I flicked the ashes that were at the end of the butt, I met my brother's eyes as I stuck the cigarette into my mouth again.

I felt my cheeks suck in as I inhaled the calming smoke, Xavier stormed towards me and ripped the cigarette out of my lips.

"HEY!" I hollered at him as he stomped it out, smoke that was in my lungs had come out and created a cloud around his face. He fumed with anger as he looked back up at me.

"You can get cancer from that Blair!" He yelled at me and I rolled my eyes at him,

"Yeah, so? It's a bonus. It'll kill me faster." I retorted and Adam choked slightly at my response.

"Don't say that Blair..." Xavier groaned but I snorted.

"Okay, so you want me to ignore the fact that I have severe depression that I struggle to control... and to pretend that my life was not been a shit show and that I have not tried to take my life on several occasions?" I squinted my eyes at him as I listed things that had happened to me in the past 2 years. He rolled his eyes and started to just walking away.

"Not what I was getting sis. Just saying---"

"That smoking is bad for you." I mocked him and he spun around to look at me, I forced a smile and flipped him off. He stuck his tongue out at me as he fished his car keys out of his pocket.

Suddenly I heard gunfire and I was thrown up against my car. I heard a scream as my head hit my windshield and it shattered around me, I saw Adam had thrown me back and was standing protectively in front of me. I looked past him and saw Carter holding his gun at my group, I looked down at myself as I slid down off of my car to stand. A stain started to grow around my stomach area and my shirt was clinging onto my body, my mouth opened and closed.

"Adam." I squeaked as my knees buckled underneath my weight and my hands pressed against the wound. He looked down at me as I continued to try to string at least one word together. His eyes drift to my stomach and he dropped his gun, Xavier looked behind us as he continued to point his gun towards Carter.

I felt a tear roll down my face and blood continued to seep through my hands, cops burst through the door and saw the scene that had unfolded in the parking lot. They grabbed Carter's arms and shoved him to the ground as they handcuffed him, he smiled as he made no attempt to escape their arrest.

I fell over onto my side but Adam caught me before my head could hit the pavement. He cradled my head on his lap as he smoothed out my hair.

"Blair!" He yelled as I brought my hand up to touch his cheek, my bloodied fingers touched his unshaved cheek. I saw tears forming in his eyes as I tried to smile at him,

"I love you." I let out and he broke, his sobs ruptured my eardrums and broke my heart into a billion pieces.

"Don't you dare leave me, Blair! DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!!!" He yelled at me and I heard sirens in the distance, my brother was frozen in shock and wouldn't move. Greta was shaking him to snap out of it but he couldn't.

"Whatever happens... tell Xavier he didn't let me down. As well as that you won't stay hung up on me." I mumbled as my vision blurred together, he continued to play with my hair as he cried.

"Please... Don't leave me... I love you and I need you." His sobs were the last thing I heard.

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