Chapter 30

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We all gathered into a tight circle on Adam's side of the room to formulate a plan.

"How are we even going to do this?" I voiced as I waved my arms around for dramatization.

"We don't even know where the fuck we are!!" I continued and Carter looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"We do... But you don't---" He said before Adam took over.

"We are currently in one of the abandoned dorms in Riverside Military Academy for Boys. We overheard this when my brother came in." I nodded my head at this new information, Cooper started to chew on the inside of his cheek in thought.

"I still can't believe this!!! This seems so unrealistic it's not even funny anymore!!!" Copper burst and I looked at him with my head to the side.

"Just think about it... What were the chances of YOUR brother being MURDERED by your boyfriend's PARENTS!! Only to find out that his supposedly DEAD brother is PRETENDING to be YOUR brother for the past... How many years has it been?"

"7 years..." I muttered thinking back to my eleventh birthday and being told my brother was leaving.

"7 YEARS!! Not MONTHS... But YEARS!!! Also being told that Carter was supposed to DITCH you because of your so-called BROTH--"

"I GET THE POINT!!!!!!" I snapped and Cooper flinched slightly at my outburst.

"IT DOESN'T SEEM REAL!!! NOW JUST DROP IT AND FOCUS ON THE TASK AT HAND!!!!" Everyone shuddered slightly as I leaned back to relax a bit but it didn't help.

A heavy knocking came at the door and then light flooded to reveal Werner's shadow. He was holding a bag in one hand while the other one was shoved in his pocket. He came closer to me and chucked the bag at my group before smirking at me. I was expecting him to say something but he just left without a word.

I turned my attention to the bag, I snatched it out of Adam's pesky hands and started to look through it.

A saw that there were some more medical supplies that circled an envelope. I took out the thick envelope out and ripped it open in one swift tear on the side. It was stacks of photographs that were produced but I couldn't see them in the dark, I dove back into the bag looking for any glowsticks but I found something much better. This time we were given a flashlight that was probably going brighter than the rivers in hell but I wasn't going to complain about it.

I turned the flashlight on and put it in my mouth as I looked at the pictures. At first, I had no idea what I was looking at but it wasn't long before the flashlight dropped with a crash and the photos along with it. My hands started shaking vigorously with anger and disbelief, I turned my head to look at Adam who was already looking at me with concern. Tears fogged my vision as he got closer to me to look at the photographs.

I had seen many bodies while working for the Dragons... But never had I seen something so disturbing as these images.

The woman in the picture was on the floor lifeless. Lifeless. Her auburn hair was scattered in multiple places, stained with dried blood; crimson. Her emerald green eyes were wide open, but her jade irises held a sudden sadness. Her clothes, a lime green tunic, and some black capris were bloody. Her body was slumped over, half-sitting, half-laying on the cold hardwood floor. It was my aunt. She lay on her back, not three feet beyond the radius of the door, in a pool of blood that was almost dried and gave the room a sickly-sweet butchershop look in the photo.

The image made me almost throw up if I had eaten in the past 24 hours, Adam looked up from the photos to my face. My eyes only looked away from my aunt for a second before I was observing her again, I looked for anything that told me that it wasn't her... But the glistening band on her middle finger told me everything.

Adam moved the pictures out of my sight but I still could see her bloodied body, her torn off nails, and her messy hair imprinted on my eyelids.

My hearing was replaced by the sound of ringing... always that sickening ringing that told me I wasn't dreaming and that this was real. I drew in a shaky breath, I felt his strong arms wrap around me and pulling my head into his shoulder.

"--real Blair... that isn't real! I swear it isn't real!!! He didn't kill them!!! I swear to the gods he didn't do it!!" He was yelling but little did he know that I knew it was real.

"It's real... it's real... her--" a violent sob erupted from my chest as I dug my nails into his back.

"Her ring... my father's ring... is on her finger!!! SHE'S DEAD ADAM!!! SHE'S FUCKING DEAD BECAUSE OF ME!!" I sobbed and he pulled me closer onto his lap as if I was a little child who just scrapped her knees. If only it was so minor... I would do anything to go back to that time. The time everyone who is dead was alive and no one was looking to kill me or my family... but you couldn't. Adam started to smooth out my hair as my hand found it's way towards the pictures he tried to hide from me.

I pulled them closer to me as I flipped through them... half of them were pictures of my aunt's body from different angles and vantage points of the room, as for the other half... it was of my mother's mutilated body.

She was dead, that was for sure. Her head was beaten in with a club. Her once beautiful face was collapsed like a smashed pumpkin. Remnants of the brain painted the grey walls of my house. I thought I saw the image move in a sickening movie where the brain was crawling away from her body. Fuck, it must be my brain pulling tricks on me or I was in severe shock and my mind just longed for it to be just a scene from a movie. There was tons of blood. Maybe two gallons, possibly two and a half. The whole hardwood floor was caked in the stuff. She was dead and there wasn't even a slim chance of her being alive.

My breathing was rapid and irregular as if I was about to pass out, but I couldn't let that happen because once my eyes close... Another hell begins. I had to get my heart rate down or else I was going to have another attack... Not only did I have extreme panic and anxiety attacks but when my heart rate gets too high... My heart starts skipping beats. Also known as cardiac arrhythmia.

I tried it focus in on Adam's heartbeat but only came to realize that he had rested me in a corner. As for him, I heard him start viciously banging on the door, yelling for that bastard to explain this. I knew the tactic Werner was using... It was my favorite method of torturing back when I did interrogations for Adam.

He quickly took me out of that because he saw how quickly I could snap and far into my dark side. The method I used was to break the person mentally before you break them physically. Make them an empty shell so they beg you for death... but then you don't.

But I never went so far as to kill their families and taking photos of them. I'm no saint... I'm so far from that... but I at least knew where to draw the line.

Adam was still trying to breakdown the door which I'm surprised hasn't split into 2 yet. I pushed off the floor and shuffled towards him with one arm around my stomach.

"Adam," I whispered but he couldn't hear me past his yelling. I touched his shoulder but I wasn't expecting him to swing around and shove me with extreme force. My body slid across the room from the impact, my torso screamed bloody murder and I almost did as well.

Colorful dots and stars formed in my vision from the pain running through me, I tried to grip onto consciousness but I slipped away one way or another.


Scar's Corner


Werner is a cunt ain't he? Same as Adam's biological parents.

At this point, I truly don't know who is writing... because I don't know if it's me or my demonic side. What do you think? We can talk about it.


I love you all!!

You know the drill,






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