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  It never occurred to me that one day I'd be laying in the same bed as a criminal. Maybe he was proven innocent, but being a playboy isn't a crime. He lay soundlessly beside me with his pale, slightly sun kissed arm over his eyes. The alarm clock read 2 AM but my tired eyes couldn't fall back asleep.

   My right hand clenched around my left ring finger, softly feeling the ridges and curves of the ring. I held it up to the light. It was quite beautiful, silver and rose gold ribbons twisted around each other with an eye catching diamond in the middle. It was exactly as I had described in a day dream. I slid out of my bed and walked over to my desk and admired the ring in the better light of my lamp. The entire day was a blur to me. But I couldn't help but remember he had proposed to me. Of all people, to me. I almost felt bad for not giving more of a reaction, as I only blankly stared in disbelief.

   We watching the sun go down on the open bridge of our favorite park, a typical Tuesday until he you know, proposed. It sounds romantic, yes. But it took a lot to get where we are now. My mom always told me never date a bad boy but I say only date one if you can handle one. Because they are some crazy sons of bitches I know.

   I know you are wondering how I got here, so I am here to tell you because I haven't even gotten started.

*yes this book took me like a month to actually start sorry it took so long but here we are it took like a month to figure out a title

Delinquent // Taehyung Where stories live. Discover now