first date

17 7 9

Where am I?

  Okay, I admit. Last night I was a little drunk. But I didn't know I was so drunk I'd end up in an apartment I never knew existed. My eyes were hardly open but I could make out a figure above me.

"You're awake."

"No shit."

"Someone's in a bad mood."

"Shut up."

The figure helped lean me upwards laughing.

"Taehyung, where am I?"

"At my place."

"Why am I in your bed?"

I got a bit angry he thought it'd be okay to bring my drunk self home after reuniting for five minutes. He just shrugged.

"I don't know. I dropped you on my couch but you just crawled to my bed."

"Bullshit! I'm not a one night stand Taehyung!"

He looked confused at my sudden change in tone.

"One night stand?! What are you even talking about?"

  At this point we were both just staring at each other dumbfounded and still hungover.

"Wait, so we didn't have sex?" I asked rubbing my forehead.

"No... look Y/N, you literally just crawled into my bed randomly and passed out so I tucked you to sleep and now we're here."

  I grinned embarrassed. We sat there, on the bed for maybe five minutes, simply staring at each other awkwardly silent, before Taehyung broke it.

"Anyways, want to get food later?" He scratched his head.

"Like a first date?"

"Uhh, sure."

"Sounds great."

I got up from the bed releasing I had to get ready.

"Taehyung I have to go back to my apartment to get clothes."

"Oh, just wear my sweatshirt." He said innocently. He threw over an oversized gray hoodie. That worked.

  We went to a burger joint down the road from his apartment. It felt almost surreal, how I had waited a month just to see his face again, but the next thing I knew, we were chatting, eating burgers and dating? I couldn't help but smile to myself in disbelief.

"How drunk was I?"

He laughed.

"Pretty damn drunk. You waltzed into my car and passed out. Number one. I had to drag you into my apartment because I don't know where you live, I plopped you on my couch and an hour later you walk into my bed and pass out again."

We both chuckled.

"So I didn't even say anything?"

"Nope actions seemed to speak for themselves."

  His voice was low and husky. I hadn't talked to him like this in so long, I had been deprived of his smooth, deep tone I had loved so much.
   After we ate we went over to a local book store, he loved to write and read. He introduced me to every author from Vladimir Nabokov to Ray Bradbury, and for some strange reason, I was interested.

  By the time we had stepped out of the store, the sky was dark. It's strange how fast time can fly. Before I was about to turn to head back for my own apartment he turned me around and pulled me into a kiss, a kiss that seemed to last forever before he held me in his arms.

"Y/N, please don't leave. You can come live at my place. I miss you being around."

"Taehyung, I'd love to but we just caught up yesterday, moving in is a big decision for both of us and I think we should take more time to think about it first."

"I guess so. But can you at least stay the night, I'll miss you if you leave me."

"Ugh, fine."

"Your such a sucker for me, aren't you?" He smirked at me, leaning his face towards me. I made a face at him.

"Oh shut up." He just laughed as we headed back to his apartment for the second night.


releasing this but my cable and internet is still out and my data is running scarce lol so if I don't post for a while I'm sorry blame the weather hope you like the book so far.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2021 ⏰

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