replace him

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  He said he'd come to visit every single day for a month following the last time I saw him. Every day I would stand outside my work for ten minutes waiting for the slight possibility to see his car pull in, him to walk out, and run to my arms. But as the days past I began to despair over it. Taehyung wasn't coming back. Why would he? I wanted to think the words he said to me in prison were sincere, but instead were merely an excuse to be released sooner. I sighed and went back inside without Taehyung as I always have.

  "Hey, Y/N. Is everything okay?" Min Yoongi, one of my co-workers always asked after seeing me walk inside looking gloomy and down. I'd always try to assure everything was fine, but today was the last day I'd even try to wait for him, so I'd spill.

"Yoongi, you know that Taehyung guy? The one that was here about a month ago?"

"Faintly but yes."

"Well, during his sentence, we got, well. Closer to eachother. After he was released he promised to visit me but never has, he said he'd meet me at work one day this month, but never has."

He looked up thinking for a second before replying.

"Well, I'm sorry. That wasn't very nice. Look, Y/N maybe he really wasn't a good guy, probably one of those bad boys that never live up to their visuals."

"I guess so." I looked down in agreement.

"It's just, I kind of thought he was different, you know." I said glumly.

"I know," he put a hand on my shoulder for comfort, "it happens to the best of us. But hey, maybe after work we could grab a drink? It'll help you feel better."

"Yeah, actually. That sounds great." I looked up a bit, relieved to have a friend that actually cared.

"Awesome. See you after work then."

  I smiled and we went back to work. Since Taehyung, my patients have been nothing but sick bastards who killed their wives and siblings, so it made work a bit easier knowing there wouldn't be a patient similar to him.

Six hours later I went to grab my coat but Yoongi was already holding it.

"Ready to go?" He asked handing it to me.


The nearby bar was exactly where I wanted to be at this time. A couple of drinks wouldn't hurt at all. A few shots later Yoongi and I were having the time of our lives. We had completely forgotten about Taehyung, our work, but instead laughing about politics, overpriced watches, and the people at the bar.

"You know, Y/N we should've gone out more."
He laughed before gulping down another shot.

"I know, right. It's been fun."

"Look, I know you like that Taehyung guy and all, but I'm always available, you know. I also won't leave you stranded everyday."

"Yeah. Actually, I'd like that."

At this point in time all I wanted was to replace Taehyung. I wanted to forget about him in the first place.

"Oh, really? Hell yeah."

For the first time in a month, I actually felt okay. Taehyung for some reason seemed to weigh me down. My expectations of him showing up to see me had slowed me down the entire month. In this time, I was happy, a bit drunk, but free  of emotions.

Suddenly the door opened and the bell above it rang. I turned around to see who it was and almost fell off my chair. Standing by the doorway and walk-in towards to bar was Taehyung. He wore a long coat, his hair brown and slick back, and round glasses. I could hardly recognize him but I did. He looked around before ordering a shot of scotch. I panicked.

"Yoongi. Let's get out of here." I grabbed his shoulder.

"Why? Don't you want to order some food?"

"No. I don't. I'm not hungry. Please. Let's go."

I spoke only three words at a time before having to catch breath. Yoongi was confused and just looked at me. I stared over at Taehyung begging he wouldn't notice me. I tugged at Yoongi's sleeve.

"Please. Let's go."

"Alright give me a second though."

  My heart practically stopped noticing Taehyung's eyes catching mine. When he noticed my eyes he grinned and did that nod thing guys seem to do. Assuming he didn't recognize me I made a face. How could he have forgotten who I was? Yoongi was sloppily putting his coat back on and I grabbed his arm, trying to lead him to the exit.

"Hey!" I could hear a yell behind me.

  I jolted around to see Taehyung once more this time squinting at me as if examining my facial features. A second later his eyes opened wide from shock and I knew for a fact he figured out who I was. I panicked as well. I could see him getting up to approach me, I couldn't let him back into my life. I didn't hesitate to do the only thing that came to mind. I pulled Yoongi, who was still confused towards me, pressing his alcohol dripping lips to mine.

  It was awkward afterwards, Yoongi was as confused as usual but I had noticed Taehyung was no where to be seen afterwards.

"Alright, let's go. We can get food somewhere else."

"Alright, whatever."

And with that we exited the bar, leaving Taehyung behind.


sorry this chapter took forever to make, I've super busy but to make up for it I'll release my next chapter soon. also if you are confused as to what's happened I suggest reading a few chapters of 'criminal' which is a backstory of this story. also at the end of each chapters of my stories I usually put some random bts meme so here's a big mood.

 also at the end of each chapters of my stories I usually put some random bts meme so here's a big mood

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