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Logan's Pov

    "Come on and hurry up."I rushed her and she nodded, but ate at the same speeding past. "Also if your still feeling weak we can stay a bit longer." I offered she just stared at me blankly.

    "Quit being so nice, light, and mushy. Jeez, did you bump your head or something Wolfie?" She asked and smirked.

   "So you like the old me, huh?" I asked. She scoffed.

   "I like the real you." I hmmed in response and we headed for the car/trailer.

   It took a while for us to get on road, but we did. We were going to our own place at our own pace. Now that she had more strength, I could see the heat radiating off of her.

   She was hot in more ways then one. Maybe if I was lucky she would fall for me like I did for her...

Random Pov

   Y/n had long since fallen asleep, but while sleeping she began to cry, she also began to breathe of center with staggered breaths.

   Logan pulled over and shook her slightly. "Huh? Are we there?" She asked and he shook his head.

   "No I just wanted to make sure you were aliv- Fuck get down!"He yelled, and they ducked.

   "What the hell was that!?"Y/n yelled looking up to see a log stuck in her windshield.

     "That was sabertooth."Wolverine glared getting up and running out the car towards Sabertooth.

   They were fighting and she felt herself begin to get colder, but she didn't want to be a burden so she blasted Sabertooth who took off running. "Save your body heat dummy."He yanked the log out the car.

   "Wow you sound nice for once."She smiled.

   "Don't get used to it."Hu muttered and we started driving.

   "You can get a DUI for driving with a broken windshield, my dad was a cop." She leaned against the window.

   "We're not going to get pulled ov-"He was cut off by sirens. "Fuck."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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