Greetings! A side note before we begin... Welcome to The Trash Can

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Greetings and salutations unfortunate human. Welcome to My Trash Can of SHIPS! 

And, if you're even remotely similar to me, you're here to escape from hell that is called SCHOOL.

I just gave you all chills didn't I?Just the word SCHOOL. *Shudder*  school school school... I'll stop.

So, I should start this little not off by saying that you can totally recommend literally anything that you ship here and I'll probably write it. 

Just be sure to put it right here so I find it. Please and thanks!

Also...I'm a major fujoshi. Don't know what that is? Google it.Though I'm sure someone will put the definition in the comments. I'm just warning you right here and now. If you aren't cool with it, just skip right on over it.

Okay, I've wasted enough of your time. ON TO THE FANFICSSSSSSSSSSS

(whoops, I forgot to add that I don't really plan on regularly updating this. Sorry. Though I write a lot of fanfics so You'll get something.)

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