Chapter 4(Edited🌈)

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Well, you guys wanted an update here it is I hope you guys like it and thank you for being so patient.
Echo's POV
I'm starting to wake up and I feel something heavy around my stomach. I move to get up but then I'm pulled back at first I'm startled but then I remember last night that I got married against my will I may add. I hear a deep voice behind me and I turn around and I see it's as my husband. I see Drogo get up and he says something and looks towards the horses but whatever he is saying I don't understand. Then it comes to me that we are leaving soon and so I start to put my dress back on.
Then Drogo starts to pack everything up. I go to help but he (lightly push me back)but for me it causes me to stumble back and almost lose my balance. So I guess he doesn't want me to help. So I go to stand close to the cliff and look out at the ocean. I guess I'm so lost in my thoughts that I don't hear Drogo coming up behind me.
Then it really hit me that I may never see the ocean again and at the thought of that tears start to lightly run down my cheeks. I quickly wipe them away. I feel his arms wrap around my waist. He whispers something in my ear. He then turns me around and leads me back to my horse and he lifts me up and put me on the back of my horse.
Dorgo then gets on his and starts walking away I follow him. After riding for about half an hour I start to see my husband khalasar. This is my life now whether I like or not. But then a thought pops into my about my brother Nolan at least I would be protected from him. But knowing he will find me when I'm alone.
If I know Nolan well then he won't last long here he will do something that pisses off my husband and well it will result in my brother's death. This thought makes me surprisingly happy. I think this marriage can be a good thing. So many happy thoughts and so many ways for Nolan to die(this marriage just might be the best thing that's happened to me).Ser Jorah pulls me out of my thoughts telling me more about my new people the Dothraki.
We start to ride and I pull off to the side to get a good look of the grass and the Khalasar. I turn my head to look far off into the distance. There is just more grass. Ser Jorah comes riding up to me and tells me that I must eat. Then he pulls out a piece of horsemeat and hands it to me, I look at the horse meat then at him asking if there is anything else.
He tells me that two things that the Dothraki has plenty of are grass and horse. An since they can't survive on grass they eat a lot of horse. I see the Khalasar still going on and look ahead and back of me and try to see the beginning and the end. All I can think of is damn there is a lot of people. In the middle, I see Khal Drogo.
I look behind him and see a female rider. I hear Drogo say something but I still don't understand what he is saying. I turn back to Ser Jorah and he tells me it will get easier, I just stare at him with a blank face. Then I leave, to see that people have stopped and started putting up the tents to sleep and building fires to keep warm. I go to get off my horse and nearly fall but three of my handmaids catch me before I could hit the ground. The three of them keep me up on my feet and I look down at my hands to see them very red and blistering. They slowly walk me to the biggest tent.
The three of them sits me in a chair, two of them tend to my hands putting some kind of liquid and what I think is hay then they wrap my hands in some kind of cloths, that are supposed to be bandaged. The third girl puts my feet into a big and deep bowl and starts to pour some cloudy liquid on my feet. Right now I don't care all I can think about is how good it feels. I close my eyes and relax for a few minutes and then I open my eyes and look straight ahead my dragon eggs catch my eyes. Then I ask if all then dragons are gone, even in the east they three of them smile and say that brave man had killed them, the first handmaid says that yes it is known, then the second handmaid says it is known.
I was about to say something when Irri says that a man told her that dragons will return, I look at her and say a man. I tell her to continue and she tells me that her mother sold her to the pleasure house when she was nine. I look at her with wide eyes and say nine years old. I turn to her and give her a look that said to continue to speak. I see her eyes go from me to the other to girls I tell them to leave us.
I tell her to continue on and she tells me that she didn't touch men until three years later, she told me that first one must learn before you can touch. I ask her if she can teach me, she says yes I ask her will it take three years, she laughs a little bit and tells me no. When Irra is done she asked me if there is anything else that I need I tell her no and say that she can leave. Not long after she leaves Drogo comes inside the tent naked and he turns me around on my hands and knees. He enters me in one fast and hard stroke. Tears come to my eyes because of the pain, he continues to what he is doing for what feels like forever and he then goes harder and faster, he pushes me down, my chest is all the way on the furs he the does one more stroke then he comes inside me, then he removes himself from me and lays on his side of the bed. I fix my self and lay on my side crying quietly.
The next day we are on the horses again. I'm looking ahead and I hear someone coming up beside me. I turn my head and see it's Ser Jorah and we start talking. As we are talking I hear a loud snap, I turn my head in the direction that the snap came and I see one of the male riders whipping a slave. I turn back to Ser Jorah and continue our conversation about the Dothraki. I learned that Ser Jorah is married, when I ask were is she he says that she left him to be with a man that has more gold.
I start to feel nauseous and I told Ser Jorah to tell the Khalasar to stop, he turns to me and asks me, do I want to stop the whole Khalasar. I told him yes, he tells me that I'm starting to sound like a queen. I told him no I don't sound like a queen, but a Khaleesi. I rode my horse towards the tall plants. I get down from my and run towards a little bush and start to throw up, after a while I start to feel better and I head back to my horse.
Before I can make to my horse, I hear a horse come closer and it was neighing and Nolan was on it's back. His face was red and he jumped off the horse stumbling slightly. He then races towards me and he backhanded me, then slapped me, and then he grabbed me by the front of my neck. He starts talking saying I do not command him, that he is the Lord of the Seven kingdoms and he doesn't take orders from savages or their sluts. Nolan brings his sword close to my face, I thought he going to cut me but before he could, I hear a snap and then a whip is wrapped around Nolan's neck and he is pulled back harshly.
I see it's Rakharo, Irri, and Ser Jorah behind us. Rakharo starts to speak, I look at him, Irri starts to translate (Rakharo ask do you want him dead Khaleesi) (I think about it, I start to smile slightly at the thought)....then I snapped out of it and tell them no I don't want him dead. Rakharo starts speaking again and Irri starts to translate again (Rakharo says that you should take ear to teach respect) then I told them I don't want him harmed. Rakharo release Nolan, I just look at him then he screamed at Ser Jorah saying to kill these Dothraki dogs. Ser Jorah just looked at him and looked at me and said shall we then he walked away.
I go up to my horse and Irri helps me up. I looked down at Irri and whisper into her ear to tell her to tell Rakharo to take my brother's horse. I turn my head and lead my horse back to the Khalasar with Irri behind me. I hear Rakharo say to Nolan that has to walk. I have a big smile on my face as I rode away.
The life of a Khaleesi is nice!!!!

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