Chapter 11 - Deal

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Izumi pov:

"Prince Shichiro, I don't think it's a good idea to go that way. There seem to be some ruffians around and it would be better for us to avoid them." I said.

Prince Shichiro stopped walking and looked at the four people ahead of us – a bunch of men who were walking around while talking loudly as if they owned the place. They seemed to be extorting money from the shop keepers by threatening them, saying that they would destroy their shops if they didn't pay up. They were probably just a bunch of unemployed lazy thugs who leeched off others' hard earned money.

"They do look like trouble....but the shop that sells the most delicious jelly candy is over there. I was really looking forward to buying some and giving some to Ryuusei Onii sama." He said dejectedly.

I sighed softly with a shake of my head and looked up at the thugs. It's not that I wouldn't be able to fight them; I just wanted to avoid making a scene in such a crowded place. The attention would be annoying and considering how things like this usually spread like wildfire, Prince Shichiro and I would end up as celebrities with our faces known and recognizable which would result in making such out-of-the-palace excursions difficult. But since Prince Shichiro wanted the jelly candy so much, we would have to go though those thugs.

"Let's go get the jelly candy, Prince Shichiro. Although, I have a request." I said and looked down at him.

"What is it, Izumi san?" He asked curiously, innocently.

"We can't let people see our faces. Cover up." I said and brought the hood of the cloak he was wearing over his head. I also tied the loose sash he carried over his face like a mask so that only his eyes were visible now.

"I-Izumi san! Why do we have to cover up?" He asked mildly flustered by my straightforward assistance.

"Because I have a feeling that we're going to be given a rather energetic greeting from those thugs." I said and covered my face as well. "I don't want us to end up with too much attention. If we do, we might not be able to come to the market as and when we want to anymore."

"Oh, I understand. I didn't even think of that, Izumi san. You're a really intelligent person!" He complimented with a smile behind his sash.

"I am merely taking such precautionary measures because of past experiences as well as instinct, Prince Shichiro. But thank you for the compliment." I said returning his smile.

Having covered up enough to not be recognized, the two of us headed towards the shop Prince Shichiro wanted to visit. As expected, when we passed the thugs who were threatening yet another shop keeper to give up some money, they noticed us and blocked our way. They looked at both of us up and down, more so me than Prince Shichiro though, and grinned.

"Well well! What do we have here?" One of them mused with a hand near his chin. "A rich kid and his sister with pretty eyes! Looks like we hit a jackpot today."

Prince Shichiro flinched under their chuckling but I took a hold of his shoulder to reassure him that everything was going to be okay. I then held him to my side with an arm around his shoulders while looking at the thug in front of me in the eyes.

"I would suggest you let us pass, Ojisan. We're just here to do some shopping – we don't want any trouble." I said in an even tone.

"Aww, will you look at that? The pretty girl is asking us to let them go!" Another cooed and chuckled along with the others.

"I'm warning you, Ojisan. Get out of our way or I'll make you."

"Aren't you a cute one? Trying to act all scary!" The third commented and I clenched my jaw in annoyance as he flicked some of my hair.

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