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♥ «⚠ »

Reincarnating for a hundred times now, Cerise had long ago memorized the plot of the story. No. Not the rainbows and unicorns plot, but the true and dark plot of the story. To be simple, the plot in the villainess's point of view.

The story revolves around Liliane Georgette Celeste, a.k.a Lily. She is the only daughter of Duke George Celeste, so it is no surprise she is a little bit spoiled.

Anyway she is just a little bit spoiled compared to other kids their age so the Emperor have chosen her to be the Princess's playmate when they were 10.

Another reason is that she is a girl so the Emperor doesn't need to worry about wolves-ehem... He doesn't need to worry about the Princess falling in love with her childhood friend.

Because there was a prophecy that if the Princess will fall in love, the object of her affection will never love her back.

So ironic though, because the Princess is obsessed with her older brother, the Crown Prince since they were little.

She knows it's impossible because they are siblings but nobody knows better than the Emperor.

The Crown Prince, Aljur Lei Ambriose is not his own blood and flesh.

He is the only remaining Asgardian, people of the fallen Asgard Empire, also known as the Black enemy.

Keeping him alive, treating him as his own son, and even making him crown prince, you must have thought the Emperor was irrational but no.

It was yet another prophecy.

Aljur Lei will be the greatest emperor, the emperor of the whole world.

He will conquer all and achieve great heights... all for his Empress, a lovely maiden.

The Emperor thought that the 'lovely maiden' of the prophecy would be his daughter because not that he was bragging but no one could be lovelier than Princess Cerise La Florencia Ambriose.

Smart, talented, beautiful... maybe just a little bit lazy... But she's really lovely and perfect!

So who was lovelier than her? The heroine, Lily.
Though her looks and skills may be considered average compared to Cerise, she has the characteristics a typical capture target likes.

She's naive, kind and hard working.

Compared to a lazy wife, you would rather choose a diligent mistress right?

So, the prophecy of the Princess really came true.

Prince Aljur Lei never returned her love, and chased the heroine instead.

Still, Princess Cerise begged her father to have Prince Aljur marry her as she turns 18.

The Emperor could only give in to his daughter's request and... Oddly, he made the two as betrothed in Princess Cerise's 18th birthday.

Many were opposed. It was simply incest! The Emperor could only reveal the truth about the Prince.

The people became more furious.

Giving the throne to someone that is not blood-related? Stupid!

They thought the emperor graduated the academy as the best? Were those just exaggerated lies?!

What made the situation worse is that they somehow knew the emperor have raised an enemy's descendant.
So, they revolted against the government.

The Emperor has no choice but to banish Aljur and break off the engagement. If he didn't...a civil war would happen.

He has to choose between his daughter's happiness and the good of the kingdom.

As a father, it pained him greatly to see his daughter getting lifeless day by day.

But he can only comply his subject's demand because his kingdom is the only thing he can give her when he dies.

Yes, maybe the Emperor made Aljur as his Crown Prince but he only did so because he was expecting the child to love his daughter and help his daughter reign the kingdom when he dies.

But he was wrong.

On his death, he realized that the 'son' he have raised and loved have long ago planned everything.

His daughter falling in love...
Then Aljur chasing Lily, his daughter's bestfriend.
Him complying his daughter's wish to marry Aljur...
Then the opposition, him revealing the truth... the revolt... The banishment and the annulment.

The ungrateful 'son' of his have long ago betrayed him.

He have only started to realize it when rebels have attacked the palace and held everyone inside as captive and killed them all.

The heroine, a good friend she is to the villainess, led their way out of the palace during the attack.

But... As soon as they got out of the chaos, the heroine betrayed her by Aljur 'convincing' her to join his side because the heroine was just too 'kind', helping a friend who only treated her as a slave.

So in the end, Lily left Cerise's side and let Aljur 'kill' her 'friend' right in front of her eyes, with a winning smile on her face...unnoticed by the man.

They did not give her a peaceful death. Aljur didn't allow it.

Aljur breaks her lower limbs first, makes her kneel in front of them. He destroyed her pride. The ego he have learnt to hate.

Then he slowly disjoint her fingers, crushed the nails and cut her hair, making her bald. Second thing he destroyed was her beauty.

Lastly, was her tongue.

If Cerise was famous for something, it was for having a great singing voice.

She was the Empire's Songbird.

But now... All her glory and hope vanished.

What hurts the most was not the physical pain but the pain of betrayal...

The pain of her heart.

Cerise could only accept her doom, bid the two her farewell in her heart and wishing for their happiness, before letting herself be pushed on the cliff by the two of them.

She fell on the endless pit and surprisingly, she survived the fall, but with nothing to treat her broken body and broken heart, she died at the bottom with great sadness.

If only she wasn't that stupid.... And lazy...

If there is next time, she should be smart... But she can still be lazy.................. Right?

Funny... But no matter how she avoided it... The cycle still repeats.

Now, it was the 100th time.

Author-san here! Phew... I felt that this part was really long, but I hope you guys now understand the plot and... Understand the story. Hehe. It's just the same though.

Ehem. I wish you all a great day and if it's already great and I somehow ruined it... Sorry... Not sorry.

Can I rant?

Because Author-san is really stressed out... I can only write boring chapters now.

Sorry if this was a disappointment. Hehe.

Sometimes I wonder how do clowns and comedians do it?
Making others laugh even though they themselves have problems.

Author-san is just curious. Ehehe.

But wait... I'm just gonna make this Author's note longer for this chapter to reach 1k word count. Yeah. Crazy me.

Love you all bbs ♥

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