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My mind begins to race as my vision behind my closed lids becomes spotty under the brightness. I smell that clean hospital smell, that takes over my senses - but then, a gentle scent of vanilla. Slowly, cautiously, I open my eyes and take a deep breath, thinking over what happened and how I could have possibly ended up here. This isn't home, I know that for sure.

I remember dark halls, leading to one room at the end, one we thought to be abandoned. I remember Olivia, and her silk-like voice that slices through an atmosphere even as a whisper, I remember telling her to stay behind, but she refused, and followed me through the shattered doorframe.

The room was empty, eerie. It was desolated, bar a movement in the corner. Nothing but a rat. Webs hung from every corner, every crevice in the stone walls. Floorboards were pulled up, and the only safe ones creaked as you stepped upon them.

I remember Olivia calling out behind me to watch out, and then a surging blackness came over me; enveloped me, and deemed me helpless. I succumbed to it, apologising to somebody.

I groan and sit up, rubbing my forehead. Who was I apologising to? Was it Olivia? Was it-

My sight rests upon the chair beside my bed, or more specifically, the girl inhabiting it. Her bushy brown curls are up in a makeshift bun atop her head, with tendrils that have fallen out framing her features. Her skin seems perfect, completely blemish free, with a sprinkling of freckles along her nose and cheeks, nothing compared to the sea of my own, but these freckles suit her. I look her over, and notice my own jumper: maroon with an R knitted into the front.

I force my eyes shut and rub them, groaning as I stretch out my arms and fall back to a more comfortable seating position on the bed. My movements wake her, and she sits up, startled, a book on her lap falls to the floor and she curses quietly under her breath. She looks up, and her eyes lock with mine.

It's as if I suddenly feel lost, yet feel some remnants of warmth and familiarity. Her deep chocolate pools mesmerise me, as I lose myself in the flecks of gold entwined within. The light pouring in through the window lights up her eyes and home is all I can think of.

Her eyes widen as she takes into account that it's me, and I'm sat here in front of her. I frown at this, wondering how long I've been here for.

She opens her mouth to speak, closes it again, her eyes welling up with tears, and then, "Ron, I-"

The doors to my hospital wing burst open and woman with fiery red hair, warmth in her features, and tear stains down her cheeks, runs over to my bedside. She takes me in her arms, looking into my soul.

"Oh, Ron. It's me, mum. The doctor said you were hit with some kind of memory spell, so I don't know if you even-"

"Of course I remember you, mum" I say, with a grin, as the doors open once more and a hoard of people clamber through.

Most of the crowd inherit the same fiery red hair as mum, but my eyes rest on someone else. His messy mop of black hair makes him stand out from the rest, with his bright green eyes framed by round glasses. He grins at me, and I smile back.


"What the bloody hell were you thinking, mate? Getting yourself attacked and in a coma for?" He joked, coming over and hugging me.

I laughed, "Couldn't help it, you know me, always trying to divert the attention from you."

"You absolute idiot." I hear, and look over to see my sister.

I shrugged, and Ginny ran over, enveloping me, her eyes glossing over.

Receiving hugs from every member with ginger hair, and recollecting their names, and who they are to me, they stepped back, just as someone new came through the door.

"Liv." I breathed, grinning. She smiled back at me, her lavender eyes illuminating the room. Her raven hair falls cascades down her back, pulled back by a lilac headband that accented her eyes. Rushing over to me, she wrapped her arms around me, and I breath in the scent of honey, it's almost suffocating, but still deathly familiar, so I welcome it.

For what seems like the hundredth time, the door opens, and Liv steps back. My eyes meet with the girl who's just walked through, and something clicks. I recognise her bushy hair, and her chocolate eyes, and look to my side to find her missing.

She smiles confidently, as she makes her way over to my bedside, "I went to get the doctor, to check your vitals, and to check everything's okay." I watch as a doctor steps out from behind her, and waits by the rest of my family.

I hear my heart beating within my chest, in my ears, in my head, louder and louder with every step she takes towards me. Her brown eyes are lit up with hope, with relief, and she smiles wider the closer she gets. I smell that faint scent of vanilla - the one that reminds me of home - and smile back as she sits beside me on my bed.

She takes my hand in her petite one, looking down at me with gentle eyes. My heart aches, and I can't place the reason.

"Ron, I'm just so-"

"I'm sorry." I say, searching her eyes for something, for anything, but find nothing. "Who are you?"

I watch as her heart shatters behind her chocolate eyes, as the light within them disappears, only to be replaced with salt tears. This was not my intention, I didn't mean to cause her heartache, I just...

I look into those mesmerising brown eyes, and I don't remember her at all.

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