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Father is gone, and Mother won't tell me why. Chained like a criminal. I can do nothing as I watch two strange men, clothed in an all black attire, drag him away. Questions swim around my mind, I can't make sense of it all. Why? What has he done? I walked towards Mother, tears fill her brown eyes. This is all the emotion she shows, she doesn't wail or break down hysterically as if she was expecting this to happen.
"why has Father been taken away?" I ask, she looks at me, her brown skin pale and replies, "the debt must be paid." I furrow my eyebrows, why is she being cryptic? What debt must be paid? I watch as she turns and walks to her room and shuts the door.

I sigh, feeling frustrated. Through out it all Zane has been silent, I look up at him, his sharp green eyes have dulled and wrinkles have formed at his temples. He must know something, he senses my gaze and looks at me.
"Why?" I ask. He opens his mouth to speak but closes it again. He runs his hand through his curly black hair and sighed, his whole demeanor changes as he stands up straight and walks out the front door, not answering my question.
Fine. Leave me clueless, I'll find a way to bring Father back home, I know I can.

I turn to face Mother's door, but make no move to open it. "I'm going out for a bit," I call out yet she doesn't reply, I sigh once more, grab my bag and the roll of money left on the table and I too, walk out the front door, gently closing it behind me.

I watched the villagers closely, trying to spot Zane among them. Luckily I don't, I let a deep breath. I was going to get my answers, one way or another.

A/N: Soo sorry this is short but it's my first time writing on Wattpad. New chapters will be posted every week, but I might be busy so it may vary. Thank you for reading this, I'd love any feedback.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2019 ⏰

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