Chapter 5

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The next week was great! Zach and me were bonding and i wondered if he might like me but I pushed that feeling aside and told myself that I was being silly, but that didn't mean I didn't perv in him from time to time!😜 Sooooo hot!!!!!

It was now Saturday evening and we had nothing better to do so I got a few beers out of the fridge and me and Zach played a game where you have to drink 2 beers in one go.

Once this game was over we were both tipsy and decided to put some music on.We started off joking around slow dancing but then 'we like to sleep all day and party all night, by Sean Kingston came on and we started dancing fast pace. He came up behind me and started grinding against me I was startled at first but went along with it,

"Uhh, Zach how much have you had to drink?" I said

" Can't remember!" he slurred

" Maybe we should have a rest then,"


But as he said this he fell over my coffee table and because he had his hands around my waist, he pulled me down with him.

We landed on the sofa with me laying op top of him. as I was pressed into him I could feel his bulge start to grow really big if you know what I mean, I jumped off him with a start,

"What the hell just happened!"

"I'm sorry it sort of just happened , could you help me get upstairs I can't get up there without falling over." he slurred.

"Ok up on 1..2..3.."

We walked, well stumbled upstairs to Zachs bedroom but as I put him into bed he was almost out of it and didn't know what he was talking about as he said,

" You know what Sammie Goode I will take you out for dinner for your birthday and your going to have a great time and then we can do that all day because I will ask you out and you will say yes!"

'Ok what ever you say Zachary!"

"Night Goode"

"Night Morgan"

Then I went off to bed thinking about what I would say if Zach did ask me out , also how I would torment him with his hangover tomorrow !

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