chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. All the characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto. He would never let this happen. I would.

"The bitch is a fucking girl?!" Hidan yelled as he looked at Sakura. "And a fuckinig hot one!" he said with a longer lasting look over of her.

"Wow Hidan, you got beat up by a girl with pink hair, yeah" Diedara said with a smirk on face.

"Fuck you Diedara you got beat up too and besides, YOU ARE A FUCKING GIRL!!!!" Hidan yelled at Diedara.

"It doesn't matter we still need to bring her back to leader-sama. The sooner we get her back, the sooner we can collect bounties." Kakuzu said as all the others deadpanned. 

"hn..." Itatchi murmured as he contemplated the fact that she was a girl and not just that, but one he remembered seeing when he took his younger brother to school.

"you do realize that so far I've been winning, right?" Sakura said while raising one eyebrow.

"yeah but you're a girl, it can't be that hard, and your face is cute when your angry" Kisame laghed. 

As he did that Sakura leaped forward and punched him so hard in the stomach he went flying through three trees before he finally hit the fourth and slid down it groaning. 

"well then I'm about to get fucking adorable you sexist assholes!" Sakura growled, not liking how easily the dissmissed her now knowing that she was a girl.

"FUCK YEAH SAKU!! LETS KICK SOME ASS! and it's some nice piece of ass to, we could totally get one! I think we should go for th-"

"inner shut the fuck up i don't need any more of your fantacies corrupting my mind!"

"damn konoha and their fucking oh we need to protect our lovely little home with friends shit!" Hidan said.

"HA! like I could actually call a place filled with those bastards my home!" Sakura let it slip out.


all of the Akatsuki had a look of confusion "but you are the ANBU captain, yeah?" Diedara questioned.

"Yeah" Sakura confirmed.

"But you don't like Konoha." kisame said.

"nope, those bitches betrayed me." Sakura growled just thinking about what had happened. 


They were on an important mission with all of konoha 11 guarding a princess on her journey because she was considered valuble as her dad would do anything to get her back, and was very rich.

Tenten and Ino who had taken her further in the forest to use the bathroom came running back panting. 

"They took her, we tried to fight back, but there were to many" 

everyone went to go get them back, but Sakura stayed behind to heal ino and tenten's wounds. After she was done she tracked her team's chakra signals, and found them at the base of a crime lord who was holding the princess captive. 

"So, do we have a deal?" said a deep booming voice 

"NO!" she heard hinata and shikamaru scream

but the rest of konoha 11 seemed to agree and she walked into the room to see what was happening. 

As she did she saw an entire army of ninja in a huge room, just waiting to attack. 

"Yes we have our deal." Kakashi said as hinata and shikamaru continued to argue, and everyone had a look of sadness on their face. Naruto slipped through everyone and made his way over to Sakura.

"Put this on" he whispered as he handed her a bracelet. 

"Why?" she asked

"Doesn't matter, it." Naruto said looking slightly guilty.

Sakura put it on shrugging, and as soon as she did she felt a wave of sharp pain radiate through her body as all of her chakra seemed to dissapear. she cried out and fell to her knees. 
"time to hold up your end of the deal" Kakashi said to what looked like the man in charge.

"of course, bring out the princess" 

the princess was brought out by two of the ninja and handed over to kakashi.

"what's...what's happening." Sakura managed to grit out through the pain.

"Why don't you see? The leader asked. "They made a trade." after that the pain became to much and Sakura blacked out.

When she woke up she was back in konoha in a hospital bed.

"Sakura-chan!! you're okay!!" Hinata said, for once not stuttering. 

"we were starting to worry about you, so troublesome" said shikamaru, trying to act like he didn't have tear stains on his eyes.

It was later explained to her that while everyone else left to go deliver the princess to her kingdom, Shikamaru had come up with a plan to save her, and hinata had come with him to help. They were the only two that went back. 

End of Flashback

" why would you be the ANBU captian of a village that supposedly betrayed you?" asked Sasori. 

"because i... um... give me a minute here." 

why do i stay with konoha? I mean sure theres shika and hinata, but i can't live in a village with just two people who care...

Yeah! We should join the Akatsuki, the're way hotter than the assholes in Konoha!

Inner not everything has to do with looks!

Fine. But why shouldn't we join them?

Because the're enimies of Konoha

Konoha is also enimies with us, those assholes left us to die!

"you should join, yeah." diedara said.

"diedara i highly doubt she would join after she just went through the trouble of fighti-" Itatchi started untill he was cut off.

"sure. why not." Sakura shrugged

everyone had a look of surprise on their face, before Kakuzu replied. "good, now come with us."

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