more headcanons, bitches, i'm bored

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i was just thinking aileen going through a punk phase, but it goes horribly wrong,,,i have two endings for it


-let's start with the endings i talked about

-the first ending is her breaking from the cycle, she realizes what she's been doing is wrong and stops

-but that's too cheesy

-the second one ends up with her killing herself because she thinks she tore everyone apart (which is true but still)

-if i ever wrote a one shot about punk aileen then i'd probably use the second ending

-sorry em, lizzy


-the signs are subtle at first

-she becomes easily irritated and angered

-she doesn't come out of her room often

-her grades start dropping

-andy comes into her room one day to find she's not here but finding burnt out cigarettes

-he and lance confronts her about it and she ends up not coming home the following day

-and when she does the next day she's hungover and smells of smoke

-miss g is understandably pissed and becomes really strict with her

-but aileen, being aileen, doesn't listen

-the last straw is her coming home drunk

-lance thinks it's his fault

-andy thinks it's his fault

-they start fighting

-when aileen comes to she hears the fighting and she realizes they're fighting because of her

-the only logical solution to her is to kill herself

-so she takes a bunch of painkillers in the bathroom

-her suicide note goes something like this: guess i really fucked up this time. you can sell my shit, i won't care really.
well, i took painkillers to end your pain.
there isn't much to say except two things.
i still love you all
don't sell my ukulele

-painkillers aren't allowed in the house anymore

-they don't sell her things


so yeah,,,

pretty dark i know but still, im bored


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