two new ocs for a thing emily lizzy you lazy dumbs MAKE THEM

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Name: Anastasia Stewart

Age: 16, she doesn't know though she stopped counting after 7


but without the glasses idk might change it

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but without the glasses idk might change it

"Peculiarity:" she calls herself a Charmer. Basically she can hypnotize anyone, no one is invincible to it

Side effect: when she does it, her serotonin levels drop. At least, she'll become really aggressive and irritable, but at most, she'll have extreme panic attacks

Backstory: blah blah blah I explained the jist of it to Emily and Lizzy. She had been living with her aunt and uncle (her uncle was a drug lord) since her mother had lost custody of her due to being a crackhead. Her uncle's rival started leaking information about him and the only way for the rival to stop leaking shit out was for her uncle to sell his kids to the rival. He did it without too much remorse, and so Anastasia and her three cousins were sold. They were shipped to some private location where the experimenting was taking place. She and her younger cousin were one of the ones that survived the experimenting. The person started using the ones that survived for his own gain before they all got the hell out. Yeah I'm bad at backstories.

Personality: closed off and quiet. Keeps to herself a lot. She's a mysterious person. Think Ruby Elizabeth Daly.

Anyways onto the next one

Name: Raymond Stewart-Walker

Age: 15


"Peculiarity:" he calls himself a Projector

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"Peculiarity:" he calls himself a Projector. What he does is he can astral project. Think Tye Longshadow.

Side effect: adrenaline levels in his brain go crazy. He thinks he's invincible and it leads to him doing dumb shit. Have I mentioned that it can also lead to his heart failing no I didn't

Backstory: it's basically the same as Anastasia's. Only during experimenting he suffered cardiac arrest and his heart never fully recovered and as a result, he doesn't use his power too often.

Personality: tries to be positive and cheerful. Always tries to gain people's trust and tries to see the good in people.


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