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I'm listening to the soundtrack of Minecraft, I have ideas, let's fucking go

also yes Paris's YouTube channel name would 1000% be "salt"


New video by salt! Watch it now!

Paris took a deep breath and shakily let it out, gripping her hoodie.

"Hey guys. I know this is off my posting schedule, but I just need to get this off my chest."

She could already feel hot tears rising to her eyes.

"If you've been watching for a while, I've mentioned an ex named James Reynolds. He does have a YouTube channel as well, though I'm not going to say the name. He doesn't deserve that promotion. He doesn't deserve anything he has. If you've had experiences with rape and abuse, I advise you click out of this video and watch something else."

A tear fell out of her eye, trailing down to her mouth.

"When I was 15, I met him. He seemed pretty alright at the time. Our relationship had been going pretty steady, until I got...knocked up with his first child. Her name is Amelie, she's five. Please don't draw any fan art of her." She laughed a bit, wiping her eyes.

"After I told him, he suggested I tell my adoptive parents. So I did. And their reaction was kicking me out of the house with nothing but twenty dollars and a suitcase. James took me in. And that was when the abuse started to happen."

Another tear trailed down her face. "It started small. He'd start picking fights with me over the most strange things, like how I wasn't going to school and how my cravings were so weird. After every fight, we'd talk about it and he would make me believe it was my fault. The fights were never his fault. Only mine."

She gripped her hoodie even tighter. "It only got worse after I had her. I was weak from having her at such a young age, and because of that I was easy to play around with. Well, easier to abuse. He'd throw me against walls and beat the shit out of me and try breaking my bones because he knew I was too psychically weak to fight back against him."

She coughed a bit, letting more tears drip out of her eyes. "When I was 16 or 17, he got me knocked up again with my second child. His name is JD, he's only three. Amelie had gotten taken away and put in a foster home after I had him. Then, two months later, I decided to give him up for money. James was fucking livid. He locked me inside a closet for two weeks. The only thing he gave me was water. Fuck toys aren't very useful when they're dead."

She cried into her sleeve for a minute before looking at the camera again. "After that, he just got worse." She pulled down her sleeve to reveal scars scattered all across her arm. "He would force me to cut myself, and if he was feeling good, would squeeze lime into them. I almost bled out several times. He'd get me drunk and rape me. He owned a taser, for reasons I'll never understand. If he was in a really bad mood, he'd strap me to his bed and use the taser on me, over and over again."

Tears were running like a steady stream down her face. "I was 18 when I tried to end it, once and for all." She gripped the back of her neck. "August 3rd, *random year here*, I attempted suicide. I would have succeeded if not for this couple who saw me and rushed me to the hospital."

She took several deep breaths before continuing. "A few weeks after that, I met my friends, who you may or may not know. They got me out of the hell I had been living for six years. If you think I am making any of this up, please take into consideration that there are stories out there that are worse than mine. If you're in a situation like mine, then don't hesitate to get the help you need."

She sniffed one more time before turning the camera off.

New video by _therealjamesreynolds_! Watch it now!

James turned in his swivel chair, turning on the camera and smiling.

"So, many of you have asked me to make a video on my ex-girlfriend and asking for me to confirm if anything is real. Let's watch it."

He paused it a couple minutes in. "We're only two minutes in and I'm already tired of it."

He watched more of it before pausing it again. "I'm not even going to bother watching this fake ass bitch cry and snivel and spread rumors about me. Everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie. God, I should just go over to her place and sew her mouth shut so she can't do that. It's such bullshit, her attacking me and probably other YouTubers. She's an insult to this world and should just go and die." He sighed. "Bye guys."

New video by salt! Watch it now!

Paris laid in bed, holding her phone above her. Her eyes were bloodshot and her eyelids were puffy.

" I know I've been gone for so long. It's just...I needed a break off Youtube. I had a mental breakdown after James' video was released and spent at least five days in the hospital. I couldn't stand being home alone, so right now I'm at Eddy's place."

She sat up and ran a hand through her curls of hair. "I might just end the video here, but to the people who are going to comment underneath this, advocating and supporting James and telling me I'm just overreacting, I'm not. I'm really not. Knowing what he did to me, I just kept having the thought in my head that he might actually do it. That he would come over to my place and actually sew my mouth shut."

She let out a long, shaky breath. "Bye guys."

New video by _therealjamesreynolds_! Watch it now!

James turned around in his swivel chair again to face the camera.

"This is going to be a very short video. But I want everyone to know she's just spreading lies and that I was not actually going to go to her place and sew her mouth shut. I've been receiving a lot of backlash for it, and it really does hurt my feelings and affects my mental health."

He wiped his eye. "That's all I have to say. Bye guys."

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