Chapter One

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Hi, I'm new to this which you'll probable figure out eventually, I'm not sure if this is going to be any good but I'm going to try and write something half decent. Comments with any kind of criticism are all welcome and very much needed. Thanks and I hope it's not a pure disaster.


Charlie's POV,

She lay there in the hospital bed, her whole body still. The room was mostly silent except for the constant rhythm of beeps coming from the heart rate monitor. Her face was pale with purple-bluish bruising starting at her right temple and ending at her right jawbone. Her lips were bloodstained and cut. She had bite marks all down one side of her neck leading to her chest. She had bruising all over her arms and legs and burns around her wrists which were believed to be broken but had still to be x-rayed.

I sat in a chair beside her bed feeling useless. I was lost in thought when there was a gentle knock at the door I gazed up to find a young nurse standing in the doorway with a clipboard in her hands. She walked in and approached Isabelle. She took note of several things, checking all the machines attached to Isabelle. She turned to me and said" Are you her brother?" I replied keeping my gaze on Isabelle" No, boyfriend" I paused" She will be ok won't she?" The nurse looked down and then back to me catching my eye" Time will answer your question best, I'm sorry I can't give you a straight answer due to her having such a big hit to her head we just don't know how well she will recover from such injuries" She looked away before exiting the room leaving me to think of her final words over and over again in my head.

I woke the next morning to the presence of another nurse checking on Isabelle. "Morning, can I get you a coffee or anything? No offence or anything but you look like you might need it" she chirped cheerfully. "A coffee would be great, thanks" I replied showing a smile. A few minutes later the nurse returned with a cup of coffee in one hand and a sandwich in the other. She handed both things to me"I know you might not feel hungry but you still need to eat, if there's anything else I can get for you just give me a shout yeah" she smiled and with that left me in peace.

Three long days had dragged past and Isabelle was still in a coma, many doctors and nurses had been in to check on her and do tests and attach and detach different machines to her. I asked a few how she was doing and none of them could give me a straight answer. Many said time would tell.

So what did you think I know it doesn't give away much and it's probable a little boring but I'm hoping for a bit more action in the next chapter. Let me know what your thinking and let me know if you have any suggestions on what should happen next. Also let me know if you think it's worth continuing. Thanks

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