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The limo pulled up and Evie fixed her top.
Evie's POV
A little white haired guy came out followed by a cute long haired guy.
?:Just cleaning up...
FG:leave it like ya found it,and by that I mean just leave it.
Evie giggled as he dropped the bag back in the limo.
A girl with purple hair comes out.
B:Hello I'm Ben-
A:Prince Ben!Soon to be king!
The long haired guy walks over to me.
J:Hello foxy,the names Jay.
I smirk back at him and shake his hand.
Ben explained the rules but I could stop staring at Jay's funny faces.
Soon Audrey forcefully tells Doug to give the three a tour and whisks me and Ben away.
An hour later...
I go to check on Mal in her room.

I go to check on Mal in her room

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E:Knock knock.
E:hey so how ya liking the new room?
M:Its cool,whoever designed it has taste.
E:That would be me.
M:oh Come on we have to meet Jay in his room.

M:oh Come on we have to meet Jay in his room

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J:Hey Mal,Foxy.
I seen the mess and ask annoyed:
E:Aww you already messed your room up?
Mal walks over and hits him over the head.
M:Jay Evie's talking to ya.
J:Evie,pretty name for a pretty princess like you.
He winked causing me to blush.
J:Oh come on let's check out Carlos's room.
The door was locked and Jay fiddled with a bobby pin and the lock.
E:Shouldn't we call-
J:got it!
The door popped open.

E:Shouldn't we call-J:got it!The door popped open

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Carlos's eyes were glued to the screen.
Carlos jumped.
C:oh hey guys.your that VK right the one that lives in Auradon?Evelyn right?
E:I go by Evie.
C:We think your cool,Jay especially does.
Jay socked him in the arm.
M:hey you haven't shown us your room.
E:oh OK come on....

Carlos checked out the view,Mal admired the bed fabric,and Jay checked out my jewelry which I hope he didn't steal because they're priceless

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Carlos checked out the view,Mal admired the bed fabric,and Jay checked out my jewelry which I hope he didn't steal because they're priceless.
Jay's POV
Nice...huh should I steal this...nah I'll just leave it.
No one's POV
M:well we'd better get going we have a long day tomorrow...
Jay's POV
We snuck into the museum and sure enough there it was...the wand.
I felt something strange come over me when I thought about Evie and I darted my hand through the force field.
M:Way to go Jay now we have to go to class!

Descendants(Jayvie and Bal edition)Where stories live. Discover now