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Evie's POV
Ah today is Ben's coronation!
I'm so excited I got ready and met everyone at the cathedral.
Mal's POV
FG:Do you Ben*Mal zones out*
Jane suddenly grabs the wand.
JN:If you won't make me beautiful then I will!BIPPITY BOPPITY BOO!
A random spell flies through a window and everyone steps back.
Mal snatches the wand from Jane and she bolts for the door.
B:G-give me the wand mal.
Everyone stares in shock.
Jay and Carlos run in.
A:I knew it!
Mal points the wand at Audrey and her grandmother.
C:Come on-
J:yeah revenge time.
Jay darts his eyes away from hers to avoid eye contact.
B:you don't have to do this.your parents made their choice now you make yours
Mal drops the wand.
M:I choose good.Jay Evie and victory pizza with the team makes you happy.
Jay smirks and Evie blushes.
M:Carlos rubbing dude's belly makes you happy.
J:I choose good.
C:me too.
Suddenly the doors fly open and Maleficent comes.
Maleficent: I'm back!
Fairy godmother attempts to mutter a spell.
FG:bippity boppity-
Everyone except Jay,Mal,Carlos,and Evie freeze.
Maleficent snatches the wand from Fairy godmother's frozen hands.
Maleficent takes Adam's ring and puts it on the wand.
Maleficent:ah a perfect fit.
Maleficent approaches Evie.
Maleficent:the adopted princess.
Maleficent reaches for Evie's neck when Jay touches her staff.
Maleficent strokes Jays arm.
Maleficent:Huh Gaston should be jealous.
She magically  flings Jay across the room.
Jay groans as he rolls onto his side.
M:Mother we chose good now stop.
Maleficent:very well but your no match.
Jay gets back up and goes back to the other three.
Maleficent turns into a dragon and chases Jay.
Jay ducks under Evie's arm.
E:Mirror shine your light!
The mirror blinds Maleficent and Mal steps up.
Jay pulls Evie out of harms way.
Mal begs her to stop and Maleficent turns into a lizard.
Fairy godmother unfreezes and explains.
At the party....
After singing set it off Ben and Mal look down the balcony to see Jay and Evie.
Jay asked Evie to be his girlfriend and she excitedly agreed.
The two love birds kissed.
Mal smiled at the two.
M:you didn't think that was the end of the story did you?

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