How you meet

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It was a pretty normal day at first, your father (one of the Peacekeepers of District Twelve) had been on duty while you simply read your book, trying to drown out the hushed whispers of those around, quietly judging you.
Then you heard it. The sickening 'Crack' sound, and you knew someone had managed to tick your father off. Sighing, you look towards to poor fool who was falling victim to punishment. You're eyes scanned over the tall boys figure. Blonde hair, broad shoulders and light blue eyes that screwed shut with every new whip.
Then you realised where you recognised him from; he was the Baker's son, who had sold you three loves of raisin bread earlier this morning. Just as you were about to turn away, his eyes met yours, beging for help. Groaning, you threw your book to the ground. You just couldn't catch a break, could you?
"Dad, stop. I think he's learned his lesson" you muttered, meeting your father's steely grey eyes. Glaring at the boy's deep wounds, he nodded. "Don't cross me again." He whispered threateningly.
The boy stood up, wincing in pain. "Thanks" He rasped. You shrugged in response, returning to your book, "don't mention it. I'm Y/N." He smiles a wide grin. "I'm Peeta, Peeta Mellark."

You lifted your trusty dagger into the air, prepared to finally catch your first meal in a week, when a noise rustling from behind you caught your attention. Spinning on your heel, you held your weapon above your head, aiming right for the direction of the noise, but to your surprise, nothing was there. Huffing, you turn back to your prey, only to find it scampering in ahead. Growling, you run after it. You didn't chase it all this way for nothing.
As you stood over the small squirrel again, you noticed something in your peripheral vision, but you weren't about to lose your lunch a second time.
Just before you brought your dagger down, a large wooden stake impaled it right through the stomach. Startled, you turn to see a tall man with dark brown hair and greenish blue eyes approaching you. Grinding your teeth, you shoot him a glare as he lifts the squirrel. "That game was mine!" You yell at him, pointing at the lifeless creature. He simply shrugs, pissing you off more. "Give it back." You mutter dangerously, but he shakes his head. "Fair's fair, I caught it, it's mine. But hey, since you lead me here, I'll give you half."
You rolled your eyes at the 'deal', but you knew you couldn't pass it up. "Fine, let's go." You huff. "I'm Gale, by the way." He says, attempting to be friendly. All you say in return is "Y/N"

Your first knife embedded itself in the dummies chest, your second creating a slit in the throat area, and your third landing directly in the centre of the head. Instant kill. You smile to yourself, not bad for only having mild training back in District Five. While collecting your knives, a large shadow appears behind you. Turning, you hold your breath as you stare into the piercing blue eyes of the huge District Two male. You think his name was Calvin or something like that. "You're good." He smirked, staring at the marks you left on your targets. "Thanks." You mumbled, turning a little red. You couldn't help but be intimidated by him, he was part of the Careers for God's sake! But you couldn't let him know just how scared you were, so you held your breath and met his strong gaze, fighting the urge to look away. He smirked at you. "That wasn't a compliment. You're good, but nothing special." I glare, sneering at him. You couldn't explain what it was, but you had this sudden urge to show him exactly what you could do. Spinning one of the larger knives in your hand, your eyes scanned the room, and you saw the District One male lining up a shot with his spear. Biting your lip to conceal a laugh, you flip the knife in your hand once. Twice. Then you let it fly, soaring straight for the spear. They met in the middle of the air, the knife embedding itself into the long wooden handle, causing the spear to clatter to the ground. The boy turned to you, anger clear on his face. Your eyes then flicked back to the beast in front of you. You raised your eyebrows, and he nodded. "Good try, you almost had me convinced you were Career quality." He said, making you lift your head in pride. "Thanks, Calvin" You called after him. He stopped walking, and turned to you, chuckling. "It's Cato, Y/N." Your cheeks tinged pink. You'd called him Calvin, but that wasn't all. You hadn't known his name, but he'd known yours.

Surely he wasn't going to be part of your group. You gaveCato, your District partner a skeptical look at the District One boy fumbling around with his spear. "Dude, are you serious!" You tell, exasperated. He turned as you grab the spear from him, throwing it directly into the heart of a dummy. "Nice moves, Two. You should teach me sometime." He joked, making you scowl. "You're supposed to have been taught already." You hissed, but he only chuckled again. "Who says I haven't." Then, looking around as if to check the coast is clear, he sent the spear flying towards a target halfway across the room. You sneered, there was no way it would it.
Your breath caught in your throat when it appeared to land in the bullseye. Heading in for a closer look, you see that he did in fact hit dead centre. "Alright, you've impressed me, One." You said, looking at him. He smiled, holding out his hand. "Thanks, but my name's Marvel, not One." You roll your eyes, but keep smiling.

The fields were normally hot and humid during these months, but today the weather had taken a turn and decided to pour with rain instead. Unfortunately for you, you hadn't thought ahead and were wearing a tank top and some thin leggings, and you could feel yourself positively shaking with cold.
A laugh could be heard from behind you, and you turned to glare at the owner. You recognised the boy as an honours student from school. "You cold?" He asked sarcastically, and you snapped back "No, I'm as warm as can be!" He looked taken aback by your harshness. "I was just gonna offer you my jacket, but if you don't want it..." he trailed off. You had an internal battle with your pride and desperation. You desperately wanted a coat, but didn't want to seem less, but after checking the time and seeing you still had hours to go, you sighed in defeat, holding out your hands for the coat. "Thanks...Thresh?" He nodded, smiling at you. "Don't mention it, Y/N."

Your stomach was doing backflips as you sat with your District escort Shantelle, waiting for your mentor for the next few days, Finnick O'dair. Your lip was bleeding after being bitten so much, and you couldn't feel your head. "Happy Hunger Games!" A booming voice announced, making me jump ten feet in the air. The smirking face of Finnick O'dair stood above me and my District partner, looking down at us like we were a meal that would be eaten alive in the games. Then his judging eyes soften as they land on me, and I wonder why. "You got a name to match those fiery looks of yours?" He flirts shamelessly, making you turn beet red. "Y-Y/N" You stutter, still absolutely shaken after the reaping. He nodded, smirking. "Y/N" he said, the word rolling off his tongue perfectly. He tucked a strand of your hair behind your head, making you shiver. "I like you already." He said with a wink. This was going to be a long train ride.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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