Lakehouse w/ hudson hummels day 1

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After 30 minutes on the elliptical, Rachel took a shower and took a little while to do her makeup. So what? She wanted to impress her boyfriend, even if they couldn't technically be together during the trip.

She wore a strapless dress that Kurt helped her pick out and some ballet flats. After eating lunch, she brushed her teeth and packed the things she needed to pack like her phone charger, and a couple towels. Also, sunglasses, and all of her toiletries. Rachel Barbra Berry is ready for one of the best couple days of summer of her life.


"Rachel, I'm so glad you could join us," Finn's mom said when Rachel walked up to the family who was already starting to pack their belongings into the trunk of the car.

"Thank you so much, Carole. I'm really excited," Rachel says after she places her bag into the trunk of the car. She started calling Finn's (and Kurt's) mom Carole somewhere around fifth grade. Carole is like her mom. (Since she has two dads).

"Hey Rachel," Finn half-smiles at her

"Hello, Finn," she smirks back. This all went unnoticed by everyone, thankfully.

"You look beautiful," Finn whispers to her. She blushes slightly and mouths "thank you" back.

"Rachel!" Kurt squeals, running to the car.

"Hey," she gives him a hug.

"You look hot," Kurt smiles, looking accomplished.

"Thank you Kurt," she laughs.

About ten minutes later, they were all on their way to the lake house.

Burt was driving, Carole was sitting in the passenger seat, Kurt was sitting on the very left, behind the passenger seat, Rachel was in the middle, and Finn was beside her, to her right, behind Carole.

"Rachel, are you excited to start high school? I know Kurt's not," Carole laughs. Kurt sticks his tongue out. "Yeah, I'm pretty excited. Although I'm glad it's summer," She replies.

"That's good," Carole says.

Rachel gets out her phone and starts to play music on it.

"What's that?" Kurt asks, confused that Rachel wasn't listening to some Broadway album.

"It's 'Journey', Kurt," Rachel laughs.

Finn glances down and sees that she's playing 'Don't Stop Believing', the song they sang before their first kiss. He just smirks and shakes his head a little.

Since Finn's large legs were in the way of Kurt or anyone to see, Finn laced his fingers with Rachel's for a little while.


When they arrived, Carole started giving everyone the tour, since she and Burt were the only one who had seen the Lakehouse. They're renting it for the week, but they don't own it.

"There's three rooms. Burt and I are going to be sharing the one upstairs. And downstairs, there's the basement. There's four rooms. The big room with the tv, two bedrooms, one for Finn, and the other one for Rachel and Kurt, if that's okay?" Carole asks. Rachel nods so she continues with the tour. The other room is the bathroom. Upstairs, there's a kitchen connected to this other random room. I don't really know what it's for. It has a piano, so if you all want to sing and stuff, you can. Just not in the middle of the night."

All three kids nod. Rachel puts her stuff in Kurt's room, and Finn puts his stuff in his own room. It didn't go unnoticed by Rachel or Finn that there was a door in between their rooms that connected them to each other. "Let's go out to eat!" Carole yells from upstairs.

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