Emma and Niall :D

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Harry's bandmates were coming over to watch Harry's favorite film, Love Actually. It was quite annoying,   he always made me cover for him saying it was my favorite movie. My God Styles...be a man...just admit it. My cousin is so-URGH. I scrolled down my twitter feed as my cousin who was now a major heart throb screamed from another room.

"Emma," Harry screamed. "Get dressed, the boys are going to be here in an hour." 

"Wh-What?" I yelled. "You said they'd be here at 3...Harry its 12...I just woke up. GAH! STYLES I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!" 

"MAHAHAHA" he laughed a fake evil laugh. I knew he was smirking. 

"I'd just love to wipe the smirk off your damn face Hazz." I yelled as he walked into my room, the smirk plastered on his face turned into a cheeky grin.

"Heh, whatever. Anyway get ready. Do you want them to see you in your PJs?" my cousin laughed. 

"I needa take a shower. By the way, where's Aunt Anne?" I asked. 

"Oh she went some place for the day..." he mumbled walking out of my bedroom. "Hurry."

After my shower, I walked into my bedroom, slipped on my new shirt I'd bought. It was a turquoise jumper with white flowers along the bottom and my jean shorts. I slowly walked into the bathroom to see Harry checking out his curls in the mirror.

"I see Zayn has been an influence on you." I teased my older cousin. Harry was older than me by 15 months. 

"Hardy Har Har, VERY funny Emma." Harry said unamused. 

"By the way, where's Gemma?" I asked.

"Gemma is at school in London Emma...hey that rhymed" he smiled.

"Very original family we have..." I laughed and he joined in.

I got out the hair dryer as Harry walked out of the bathroom. I plugged it in and slowly dried my light brown medium lengthed hair. I appiled eyeliner and pink lip stick to my full lips. Suddenly the doorbell rang. 

"I'll get it" Harry screamed excitedly. I haven't really spent much time with the boys because as soon as they came, I usually went back to the US. I lived there but during summer vacation I went to the UK to visit Harry, Gemma and Aunt Anne. I was close to the boys, we each had a close relationship with each other. I'd grown to fancy Niall...but he'd never feel the same way about me. I'm just plain old cheeky Emma. Cheekiness runs in the family....

Niall's adorable laugh distracted me from my thoughts and gave me butterflies. I walked out of the bathroom and rushed down the stairs to be greeted by the famous band.

"Hey Emma!" They all said simultainiously. 

"Hey guys," I smiled. I got a hug from each boy, Liam, Zayn, the Tommo and Niall. Pulling away from the blonde irishman my cheeks were slightly burning. I never blush...GAH. The things he does to me.

"Lets watch the movie shall we?" I offered. Without hesitation all the boys agreed with me. 

In the middle of the movie, my stomache growled. "I'm gonna make pop corn."

"MAKE ME POPCORN!" Niall screamed happily. 

"HA HA HA NO," I eyed the blonde irishman. 

"Pleaseee" He pouted cutely. How the hell does he expect me to say no to that adorable face. 

"Fine." I grumbled. 

"YAY!" Niall screamed in joy "I love you. You're now my best friend in the whole wide world" he said childishly. 

"Yeah, Yeah Yeah." I murmured. 

"What aboout me?" Louis smiled. 

"Nope." I teased him. "I love Niall more than you." 

He fake gasped and putting his hand on his chest. "You wound me Emma." 

"What about me?" Harry, Liam and Zayn said at the same time. 

"HA Ha ha. Still no." I laughed as Niall joined in. I looked at him. His bleach blonde hair was curling a little bit and his blue eyes were on me. My stomache did cartwheels and I gave a small blush.

"You wound all of us." Zayn teased as Liam nodded in agreement with a smirk on his face.

"And to think you are someone's cousin." Harry grumbled jokingly. "YOU THINK THAT MEANS SOMETHING?! NO. You have to be an adorable blonde irishman." He screamed jokingly yet emotionally sending all into chuckles. 

"Hazza...I thought we had something special." Louis fake cried humorously. 

"Oh boobear...we do. Niall is adorable, but you're sexy," Harry smirked. "You're the one I want to be with!" My cousin then went over to to the childish 20 year old and kissed him. 

"You're forgiven Hazza." Louis smiled. 

"Moments like this make me wonder if you're both actually gay..." I laughed at my cousin and his friend causing a few other to laugh too as I walked into the kitchen. 

Opening the cabinet, I grabbed a bag of popcorn and slowly unwrapped it. I placed it in the microwave and pressed popcorn. About a minute later it was finished. I opened the microwave and pulled out the steming hot bag that smelled like burned butter. 

I grabbed a bowl off the top shelf and as i was pouring the buttery goodness into the bowl, I was grabbed from behind my waist, and pinned against a wall by the boy with crystal blue orbs with yellow specs around his pupil. "Niall?" I swallowed confused.

"Emma." he said. "I--I...love you." and before I could respond he pressed his lips onto mine and I gladly kissed back. 

Pulling away slightly I smilied " I love you too Nialler." and again we pressed our lips together, leading us into a bright future.

Hope you like it Emma! Sorry it took so long....xD no time and then wattpad shut down...SO YEAH! :D  

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