Chapter Eight: The Woman With Amber Eyes

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Liana broke the surface of the lake, breathing deeply as she kept herself afloat. She rolled her eyes as Lucian sprung from the water, spluttering as he crawled onto the grass. Arno followed suit, leaping out and shaking the wet from his fur. Liana smiled as Arno turned around, bowing his head. As she reached out her hand to pet him, he carefully took hold of her sleeve, pulling on it to help her out of the water.

"Are you okay?" Lucian asked before coughing harshly.

"Yeah, of course. I got this one back," Liana replied, fussing the wolf as he playfully licked her face, "Are you?"

"Duh," Lucian said, puffing out his chest as he stood up.

The pair set off into the woods, Arno trotting along beside them. They stayed quiet, the crunching of the grass and leaves beneath their shoes the only noise for miles. Lucian glanced at Liana, lowering his head and smiling to himself as she picked strands of wet hair from her face. Once they reached the path, they stopped. Liana prodded the ground with her foot as the silence began to swallow them along with the darkness.

"Liana..." Lucian said quietly, locking eyes with the white-haired girl as she lifted her head, humming in response. "I'm happy that you can come back again. There's so much to show you now!" He exclaimed, a broad grin on his face.

Liana nodded before turning around and heading back towards the tunnel- towards her kingdom. She listened in silence as Lucian rambled about his realm and everything he'd seen within its dark, hidden walls.  As he began to talk about her staying, she stopped him, spinning around and putting a hand on his chest.

"Maybe I shouldn't come back," She told him, pausing as Lucian's eyes dulled, "It isn't safe, and I won't put my kingdom in danger."


"Or you," She said softly.

They walked out onto the bank in the tunnel, watching the water as it calmly lapped against the rocky walls. Arno sat down, nudging Liana's hand as she closed her eyes tightly.

"Goodbye, Lucian," She whispered. As she put one foot into the water, Lucian grabbed her hand, telling her not to go. She shook her head, trying to wriggle her hand out of his.

"Please stay. Just for one night," he begged, "Just so I can show you that there's something to this place."

Liana bit her lip. "I don't know..." She mumbled, sighing as Lucian looked at her. Turning around, she patted Arno, sending him back to the estate. "Alright. Lead the way," She said.


The pair spent the rest of the night exploring the shadows of the forest. They befriended the black-eyed creatures that roamed the realm- and steered clear of the people. They sparred and swam and played childish games to pass the time, finally settling down inside Lucian and Ohla's rotting wooden bungalow to sleep for the night.

"Where's Ohla?" Liana asked, climbing into one of the hammocks.

Lucian shrugged, kicking off his shoes and hopping up into his own hammock. He lay with his hands behind his head, closing his eyes and beginning to drift off. Liana exhaled heavily, trying to steady herself as she sat up, looking over at the resting boy.

"Lucian?" She called. She smiled shortly as he opened his eyes slightly, raising an eyebrow. "How did you get here?"

"I don't know," Lucian replied, looking up at the ceiling, "I don't remember much, but I guess you don't remember being a baby. I was born here, I suppose."

"What about your family? Your parents? Where are they?"

Lucian thought for a moment before shaking his head. "I... don't know..."

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