Chapter Two

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"You start on Saturday. Please be here before 8 a.m., and be sure to wear sensible attire," here she stopped and took in me in my Gucci pumps and skirt suit. With a smirk, she stated: "That means no high heels. You will be expected to be on your feet a majority of the day. And no matter what, smile, Smile, SMILE!" She demonstrated, her mouth plastered in a fake smile revealing twice- bleached teeth. "Now," she said,"any questions?"

"How can one human being possibly talk so much?" I felt bad as soon as the words spilled out of my mouth, but I couldn't help it-- i really wanted to know how she does it.

This time she smiled for real at me. She had introduced herself as Joana.

"Oh, I'm used to helping new trainees. But you're Mr. Somerhalder's very first P.A." Joana looked around to make sure we weren't being listened to. We weren't.

Lowering her voice to a whisper, she said " I wish you luck. Mr. Somerhalder's a though nut to crack, and I should know-- I'm his secretary." Here she smiled. It soon went away as she began, "And even with me, he can sometimes be so...."

Joana never got to finish her sentence, because right behind her stood Mr. hard-nut-to-crack Somerhalder.

He tapped her shoulder. "And even with me what, Joana?"

He asked this very quietly, and although a small smile played on his lips, his tone was very nearly sinister. His blue eyes held laughter, at what, though, I wasn't sure.

" Stop scaring the new staff, Joana. Need I remind you that I am the one who signs your checks? No? Good. Now," he said in a satisfied tone as Joana's face went from a deathly pale to a red as firey as her hair," I would like for you to continue your tour of my company, without the added pepper of gossip." He glaced at me as he said: "I find it to be quite spicy enough without your flavorings".

Then he fixed his icy blue eyes on me. "And you, Porsche," he started. Then his eyes softened. "You will be mine, so make sure that you pay attention of every detail."

He patted my arm. As he began to walk off, he turned around:

"Welcome to Summer's Holder."

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