Chapter One

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Porsche looked over her resume one last time. It was one of the few versions that she'd liked: professional and stylistic, but informative and impressive.

She made a few adjustments to the section labled "Achievements" and pressed the send  button.

Porsche waited for the confirmation symbol to appear before she closed her computer. This was her dream job: an intern for Summer's Holder, the international business conglomerate.

Porsche had lots of reasons to want this job. 

She was hoping that this time, the media would leave her alone. That was what she had lost her last job from-- the paparazzi  photographing her every move.  It made her sick.

Porsche's dad was Jordan Mazanetti, the world's most successful oilman, and her mom, Susan Cuckburn- Manzanetti, was "Salmum", the most celebrated pop artist of her generation.

As she was so acutely aware, Porsche wasn't the most invisible person on the planet.

Yet she had already made some achievements of her own: Most famous adolescent in America, Miss Teen America, and one of Covergirl's most celebrated teen models. People Magazine had recently named Porsche "America's sweetheart" starlet, forgoing the fact that Porsche wasn't even officially an actress.

She was America's "Working Girl". And now, she wanted another job.

Not for the publicity,though. Porsche was tired of being on INSIDER! three nights a week, her face plastered across roughly 85% of America's televisions.

And, Lord knows, she didn't need the money.

But Porsche wanted this job. She needed it as much as she wanted it.

She wanted the experience it would give her, she needed the normalcy having it implied.

The truth was, Porsche wanted, for once in her life, a 'normal' experience; she wanted the life of the teens her dad helped; she wanted things she'd never had.

She wanted to be able to play outside in the rain as a kid, to ride her bike through an alley without armed security behind her, to go to the movies (the public ones, with friends, not the ones in her personal theater). To go on dates with a boy who hadn't been screened and to eat outrageously priced popcorn and to go to the library and to do EVERYHTING. 

And so, Porsche figured that the best way to do that was to get a job where she wasn't treated specially. That was why she'd applied to the mailroom at Summer's Holder. The company was renowned for their pro- Affirmative Action policies. And to Porsche, Affirmative Action equated to equal treatment.


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