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The piece of paper sat on Ian's desk. It was one of the very few resumes Ian had personally reviewed.

He sighed as he looked over the qualifications.

It read like a model: extensive charity work, eagerness, and tons of charisma. It really was an amazing resume-- one that screamed out 'overqualified'. Ian tapped his custom-made pen on his lower jaw.

But where would someone with this kind of experience work? With someone this qualified, an entry- level job would be nothing short of boring...

And boring is synonomous with quitting.

Ian was about to regretfully toss the resume in the 'reject' pile of other miscellaneous papers that his secretary picked up daily. But then Ian remembered an idea that he'd entertained earlier:

Why not get a personal assistant?

Every other multi-trillionaire he knew had one, so why not he? Why not hire the new applicant and make them his P.A.?




There was only one problem with his plan: the resume sitting on his desk was Porsche Manzanetti's.

Firsts// An Ian Somerhalder FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now