When tae grinds

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I stare back at my reflection pulling my newly manicured fingernails through my honey coloured hair, untangling the shiny curls as they go. I smirk back at myself (who's the fairest of them all? It's me, liv). I trace my collar bone and dab the last bit of bronzer onto my chest. I stand, still inspecting myself, looking for even the slightest imperfection. I have on my trusty original vans, the ever so flattering Nike black shorts and a tight, v neck, red crop top. I purse my lips and sassily turn grabbing my phone and a jacket. I click my phone on, smiling instantly as a message pops up. 'Can't wait to see you babe, we're going to slay this dance off, but obviously I'm better! Xx ❤️' I tap off and grin at my cringe but incredibly cute lock screen that features me and tae smiling lazily into the camera with the iconic snapchat filter, him squeezing my cheeks. I type back a quick reply (still imitating the god damn Cheshire Cat) 'don't you dare bring out the 'no more dream' moves!! Xx' and I lock my phone just as I hear a car horn clearly urging me to hurry the fuck up. 

"Yo", I yell over the radio as I slide effortlessly into the front seat of Feng's fiat 500 (he thinks it's uncool to be driving a turquoise car but I assured him it was edgy and a total babe magnet).
"Heyyy boo", he replies turning down the radio ever so slightly.
"JHOPEEEE hey I didn't even realise you were coming babeeee", I exclaim excited that 2 of my favourite beans were coming to cheer me on.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world hun, I've come to cheer on my power couple, but mainly you!" He says winking and doing his standard goofy smile that honestly melts my heart.
Feng clearly has enough and turns up the radio even more. 'Want you back' blasts from the speakers both of them turn to me grinning and my smile broadens. They both know the fangirl within me is going to be released. I start screaming the lyrics (totally in tune and not at all like I'm impersonating a dying cat) and of course both Feng and Jhope join in as enthusiastically.

A few minutes later we pull up outside a nightclub, vibrant psychedelic lights pour out illuminating the pavement in front and already you can hear the booming of trap remixes. My stomach flips and I'm sweating profusely already. Feng stops the car and it comes to a hault. I stay sat shaking with adrenaline, jhope turns to me clearly sensing my anxiety.
"Liv you've got this, no matter what you'll always be the best dancer to me and come on that's coming from me, the dance king!" He says and I giggle, god he is just a ray of sunshine.
"Hobi this is why I love you! Ok guys I'm ready wish me luck!" I call as I fling open the car door.
"You got this Liv" they both yell as I step on to the path and take a deep breath.
I'm still jittery with nerves but I make my way to the back entrance trying to control my breathing. I concentrate on a spot on the pavement and try to calm the butterflies in my stomach. I look up as I notice a pair of Gucci trainers in front of me.
"LIV honey!" Calls tae tae's perfect deep voice.
"Hey baby" I reply instantly feeling better. I stand on my tip toes and hook my arms around his muscled neck. He leans down, his gorgeous blue eyes staring at me intensely making me forget how to breathe.
"You look stunning," he utters, his voice hushed. He nuzzles his head into the crease between my neck and shoulder and draws me in closer to him gently kissing my shoulder. This is honestly perfect. He gently caresses the side of my cheek and tucks a strand of wavy hair behind my ear, clutching my jawline he pulls my face towards his and our lips collide. He nibbles on my bottom lip and we melt into each other.

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