Tae actually grinds

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I hesitate for a moment- the music has started but I'm not moving. Come on liv, move!
"What if, what if we lost our minds?"
I step forward and begin to move I quickly take my arm up and around mimicking what my leg is doing and end with a body roll. Tae grins at me standing directly behind me and he places his hands on my hip and we step to the side together leaning closer and then i am whirled around in a tight spin just as the chorus kicks in.
"My youth, my youth is yours..."
Tae steps back and I take the lead imagining I'm Cheryl doing the cheerleading dance in Riverdale I step and kick my legs out turning slightly to face the audience as I bring my hands to my head and turn on the spot into a perfectly executed slut drop with my arm in the air, I stand up (butt first) and do a few quick body rolls. I get lost in the music and fly about the dance floor throwing in the splits and other hip hop moves, as I pause for a few seconds I see Tae cheekily coming towards me, as the beat drops he stops turns to me and grinds against the floor effortlessly going into his back and thrusting, I gasp in mock horror and pull him up. We stay holding hands and body roll against each other and just as the last note of the song sounds out Tae hurls me into a lift, the lights go out and I can feel my self grinning like the Cheshire Cat, panting I place my feet firmly on the ground and tune in to what's happening around me. I look to the audience who are all on there feet clapping and wolf whistling, I quickly scan the crowd for the familiar faces of bts and find them grinning at the front and clapping the most. Except for one of them, Hobi, he's stood up slightly clapping but staring right at me jaw slightly open and with a weird look in his eye, I smile politely and turn quickly to Tae who is looking down at me already and beaming. He pulls me into a tight hug and kisses me on the head.
"Liv you just slayed that dance so hard!" He exclaims looking with intensity at me.
"Yeh not as much as you, that grind though!" I yell at him playfully smacking him on the arm.
"Ladies and gentleman a bit of quiet please," a voice sounds out. "That was quite a performance as noticed by the audience, so the judges have had the difficult decision of deciding who goes through."
Oh god I completely forgot for a second this was a competition, I didn't even look at the other pair. I glance over to them now and they look really excited and almost confident.
My face falls as I realise this is probably the end.
"So the winners going through to the next round are..."

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