im going to miss u

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yoongi called me and  told me to meet him up at a cafe

he wanted to tell me something
i wonder wut it is

so im in the cafe now sitting and waiting for yoongi

he finaly came and he lookes so sad

yoongi:hey.....ehm i really need to tell you something and i dont knlw if you care ore not but imma still tell you

me:okay go ahead?

yoongi:i dont know if you are going to judge me after i tell you this but i will be  hurt...if u do

me:im not judgin u..waht ever you do im not going to judge you yoongi now tell me.... going to move to move away and i cant see you anymore.....i have done bad stuff to mysefl cuz i love you but your with him and i was scared of him proposing to amd so he did.....i dont wanna be hurt anymore i am doing the same things and feeling the same way you feelt when namjoon rejected you yeard ago....

me:.....i-i......i d-dont k-now what t-to say......

yoongi:well tell me whats ln your mind.

me:i dont want you to feel the same way i feelt i dlnt want you hurting yourself ore getting hurt.....i am going to miss you yoongi

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