C A L L U M S • C O L O U R S

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This is a poem featured later in the story-

Uploaded by Callum Waters: 4 minutes ago to Poems for Poets

He was danger. I was caution.
He was violet. I was orange...

The shade of orange at the rising of day, when sun wipes afresh, the previous day.

But when the lights dripped to low, I flared scarlet as flames.

Hands grazing, sweat mixing.

Hearts tripping, bodies shaking.

But now I look at my glass reflection. At the smokey bruises on my back and scarlet markings on my skin.  And although scars should fade before the end of the day, the smoke smothering my soul could stain my brain.

For my brain may never feel again. The trips of our hearts, simple tugs and games.

They say man up, but could you love again. Knowing a man may be an angel in the spotlight but a serpent in the shadow. Knowing the marks scalding your shoulders and staining your brain, may never cease to leave again.

Because not all love ends in love.

When you're screaming out to stop, but no one hears your cries. When the body on your back makes your soul almost shrivel. When no matter what, you face the dawn of the day. Because the sunrise always...

rises in orange.

But maybe today it won't be orange, it will be beige. Because love tampered with my colours and now I feel broken.

As hells fire rips through my soul.

As Satan smirks at my insanity.

As the man who I supposedly loved
crushed my colours
and snatched my body

Because he was danger and now I'm caution.

And now I wear
the colours of


Authors Notes:
I hope you enjoyed this poem which is featured later in the story of "Callum's Colours"
Thank you for reading x

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