Chapter 01

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Supriya POV
My eyes flutter opens as the rays of sun attacks me. I woke up to see I am still in the same place, in same stage I lost my consciousness last night. My whole body was in pain. My head is like if someone is nailing a hammer on it. I feel so weak. I slowly try to get up using the railing as my support. I went inside the bedroom where my husband was still sleeping. The clock at his side of dressing table was showing 6:38. I wake up late. I sighed triedly. I usually wake up at 5 cause I have to prepare breakfast and wake him my husband at 6 for his morning jog then kids at 7. But today I feel of doing nothing. I take a deep breath as I make my way towards the bathroom. I draw myself a warm bath and get in. As I soak myself in bath my mind fly in the past.

Finally, I am free from 12th. Today was the last paper of the 12th board exam. Oh how happy I am feeling only I know. Not only me but all those whose its last exam paper of 12th/HSSC is happy. I can see it on all the students faces who are coming out of the classrooms as me. I nodded with a smile on my face to all my friends who wished or smiled at me.
At 1st let me introduce myself. My name is Supriya Kumar. As you hear or read I just gave my 12th exam or you could say my high school exam. I am 17 soon like in 1 month I will be 18. My parents.... My parents died when I was very young, that is, of 2 months only. So I don't know much about them, only the thinks other tell me. I live with my grandparents, my late fathers parents. They are very old fashioned and so much strick. They never really loved about me or cared about me. They believe that since I am a girl, I won't carry their name. So it's OK to treat me differently from their grandson from my uncle. So as soon as I turn 18, I plan to move way from them. I have made up my mind to do part time job to support myself and study further. So I have to 1st find a job before I find a place to live. Only then I will get to do B. Com (bachelors of commerce). I want to be a banker in future as I was told that my father was a bank manager before his death. I feel like crying after talking about my father. I relaxed myself as I continue to get out of the classroom.
Everyone was talking in groups, wishing each other for future, some were promising to be in touch wherever they go. Everyone was been carefree to go back home soon. I too want to talk to them, give them my wishes, get their wishes but I don't have that privilege as I have to go back home as soon as possible as I have house chore to do. I came here to give exam after making breakfasts and lunches only, now I have to go for remaining chores as laundry, dish washing and cleaning.
I reached near grandparents house in like 20 minutes. I could never called it home cause it never felt. They my grandparents and my uncle-aunt never let me feel like home. Sometimes I wonder what would it like be if my parents were alive. I sigh as I reach the main gate of the house to see a big and expensive car parked in front of it. Oh! Great! There's guest in side. It would be fun to have guests over. Note my sarcasm. Guest in the house means more people in the house, which only means more work for me.
*Flashback over*

I am brought out of my self pity world by continuous knocking on the bathroom door. It's my husband. He is not just knocking but also shouting as I forgot to wake him up.
"You useless woman! You can't even do one thing right. I don't have much time left for the office. Get out of the bathroom! I am getting late because of you. Can't you do one thing right. I missed my morning jog. Hey woman! Get out of the bathroom now!." he shouts from the other side of the door. I shook my head as I slowly get out of the bath tub and wear a bath rope and take a towel to dry myself getting out of the bathroom.
As I exit the bathroom to see my husband standing in the door with a furious look on his face. He want to say something, shout on me but he just push me out of his way and enter the bathroom. I go the walkin wardrobe as a habit after him entering the bathroom to take out his clothes but my hands stop in the middle before going to his side of wardrobe. I left his side and goes to mine and take out a plain fullslives blue shirt with regular denims jeans with underwear and bra.
For the 2nd time in my 16 year of marriage I make chai (Indian milk tea) for myself as I take a sit on the kitchen table. The clock hanging on kitchen wall shows 7:40. It's about time Aryan will leave for office. I haven't made any breakfast but I don't want him to go with having anything so I take out a bowl, pack of milk and a box of fruity cereals and kept it on a side on the kitchen table. Before his footsteps I hear his cursing.
"Woman where is the breakfast! It's getting! Not everyone is as free as you staying at home and lazing. Damn it!" he shouted again. I quietly without even looking up to him, just keeping my head down towards my cup of tea slide the box of cereal in front of him. I don't know why but he got quite. He was not shouting or cursing or taunting me just breathing heavily. He soon grab the bowl I kept for him and fill with cereal and milk. As he turn around I hear more pairs footsteps coming downstairs to the kitchen.
"Mom! We are late. You didn't woke us up!" my eldest son Arjun shouts on me just like his father. Behind him his brother Arun to enter the kitchen.
"There's nothing to eat. Mom!" my youngest child and only daughter whines. I motion my hand to the cereal box without looking at them.
"What? Mom!!! I am not eating cereal. I want my pancakes like right now." Arthi whines stamping her foots on floor.
I look at my already cold chai as I get up and went to sink. I wash the cup. Soon a bowl is put on the side of side, the bowl in which my husband eat his cereal.
"I bare with you today cause I am already late because of you. Don't you dare to continue this again." with that he turn to leave for the office but not before giving a kiss on the forehead of Arthi and side hugging both Arjun and Arun. It doesn't mind if he even wish me morning or bye but he never forget to wish the kids. The same is the kids. No morning, no nights, no byes for me but never forget the dad. I sigh as I look at his bowl before washing it. I turn around to see Arun eating the cereal, Arjun have bread and peanut butter out and Arthi... well she was just standing there with her hands fold at her front. I walk pass her towards the kitchen door as she whine
"Mom! Where are you going. I want pancakes! I am not eating anything else. Make them." she said or order.
"Asked your father to find a new maid cause this one is resigning." I said as I get to the stairs.
"Mom wait! MOM!" Arthi called me again.
"It's getting late. You should leave. And I think you have enough pocket money to buy a cafe so you can definitely buy your pancakes there." I make my way upstairs without turning back towards our room.

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