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"David when are you coming to get me? The movie starts at 8:30!", Liza says to me in the phone. I sigh, feeling almost completely relieved that I get to spend some quality time with her.

"I'm leaving the boys' house in 5 minutes so I should be there in 20 minutes. Don't dress up or do anything fancy. I want to see you with no makeup, that's when you're the prettiest.", I answer her.

"Aww okay bubba. I love you, I'll see you when you get here.", She says before hanging up.

I turn back to the shenanigans that are surrounding me. "Alright guys, I'm leaving. Liza and I are going to see a movie. I'll be back to film the skit afterwards.", I say out loud.

When I walked out of the door, I heard whispers and quiet chatter. I didn't think anything of it much. I was more focused on relaxing and cuddling with Liza in the movies.

I walk into her house after I park my car. She is most likely in her bathroom, finishing her 'routine'. I tiptoe upstairs to try to surprise her.

"David I see your shadow.", She giggles. I laugh back as I stand behind her. My arms instinctively wrap around her waist. I lean in to give her neck a soft trail of kisses.

She goes to pick up her makeup bag. I react quickly and take it from her hand gently. "David please just let me..",

"No Liza. You're beautiful without it. Please? For me?", I say cutting her off. "Ugh fine, only because I love you.", She says turning in my arms.

Our lips attach for a quick, passionate make out. I was trying to deepen our kiss when a tiny hand met my chest. "David, I don't want to be late to the movie.", Liza interrupts.

Quickly I give her another peck and grab her hand. We lock up her house and walk to the car. I open the door for her, sneaking a tiny glance at her goddess like figure. I hop in and we are quickly on our way.

After we get situated in our correct theater and with the correct snacks, I start to relax. Liza's head rests in the crook of my neck while my arm is lazily wrapped around her shoulders. All is well until we hear ruckus.

"Oh no babies did you think you were seeing this movie alone? It's a family movie night this time.", Zane says climbing the stairs to our seats.

The entire group was here to watch the movie. Yes, they're my friends but why would they think this was okay? They all know how hard it is for Liza and I to get quality time together.

Part of me was livid. This was Liza's and I's alone time, which we had very little of recently.

"Babe, it's okay. The more the merrier.", Liza whispers to me when she can feel my body tense with slight anger. She gives me a kiss on the cheek, but that doesn't change my mood. Then she places a hand on my thigh and I loosen up.

My thoughts travel elsewhere as I make eye contact with her. She gives me a quick wink before turning and sparking up a conversation with Kristen.

In the middle of the movie, I was getting restless. The rest of the audience was clearly annoyed with our friends. Liza had been distracted by her friends all night. Yes, I was jealous. I was supposed to have her all to myself but that was shot down.

I grab her hand to get her attention. "I'm going to the restroom.", I say with a monotone. She sighs and nods. I exit the theater and take a seat at a side table in a secluded area.

I take off my hat and toss it on the table. I put my head in my hands while taking a deep breath to clear my head. A small hand starts to ruffle my hair.

She kisses the top of my head and rubs my shoulders. "Let's get out of here? We can find something to watch at my place David.", Liza speaks, sounding relatively sympathetic for my stress.

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