Chapter Two:

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I am awoken by the noisy shuffling coming from the end of the bed. But I don’t bother opening my eyes as I know it is Leo getting ready for his job, a builder. In fact he owns his own building company along with Rebecca’s husband Zack. In fact that was how I met Leo really. Me and Rebecca were on our way to maths one day in high school and all of a sudden her boyfriend appears along with a extremely good looking boy and fast forward a couple of years. Here we stand as a married couple. However, if Leo doesn’t attempt to be quieter a pillow may accidently find itself being thrown at him. But thankfully after a couple more minutes the pestering sound of my husband getting ready for work stops completely as he walks out of our bedroom. Leaving me to enjoy my day off in bed, not to mention in peace.

“MUM!” Matthew’s voice shouts from his bedroom, but all I can think is that my thirty seconds of peace was shortly lived! So much for a peaceful day off. Oh well, now that all the boys are up I may as well get up considering one of teenage son’s needs me.

“Yes Matthew?” I ask as I make my way to the door frame of his bedroom; judging by the state of it I’m going to be spending my day off cleaning his room.

“Have you seen my football shoes, you know the new ones we bought the weekend?” He says whilst putting some massive text book in his bag.

“There underneath the stairs next to my red high heels” I answer as I tighten Leo’s dressing gown around me to keep me warm.

“Thanks mum” Is all he responds as he rushes past me to go fetch them, leaving me chuckling at his state. Someone’s eager to get to school, should I be worried? Maybe he has a girlfriend and he’s keeping her a secret from me? Time to go ask Jace what his brother is hiding from me.

“Jace darling?” I sing as I knock on his door before opening it but the sight in front of me was something I will never ever be able to get rid of. My Jace, my baby boy was making love to a girl! At half-past seven in the morning. Where the hell is his father?

“LEO!” I practically screech as I run down the stairs, where Matthew and Leo both come running out from the kitchen with a worried look on their face.

“What? Are you hurt? Is it Madeline?” Leo frantically questions as he inspects my body for any injuries.

“It’s your son Jace! He’s got a girl upstairs and they’re doing it!” I whisper yet shout at the same time, but this just makes Matthew burst out laughing whilst Leo wears a smirk.

“It’s not funny Matthew!” I scold trying my best to give him an intimidating look.

“But it is” He laughs and this time I can’t help but laugh along with him. Maybe it is slightly funny?

“But what if Madeline walked in on it?” I question trying to sound serious again. Because if I found out that she did, Jace would be in the dog house.

“How about after the boys are home tonight we sit them down and have a talk with them about some new house rules now that Madeline is here?” Leo suggests as he puts on his work coat so that he is ready to leave before pulling me into a hug by my waist.

“Okay, what time are you home tonight?” I answer whilst placing my arms around his neck, much to Matthew’s dislike as he claims he doesn’t like PDA happening right in front of him.

“About five-ish if we manage to finish the first job by lunch time, if not I will call you” He responds before kissing my lips and picking up his car keys, where just as he is about to walk out the door he shouts “Love you all” where me and Matthew shout back “love you too”

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