Chapter Six

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He just lies there completely motionless. Jessica sits beside him, holding his hand just like the devoting girl friend she is and on the other side of his bed is his father. As loyal as a father could ever be towards his son. His twin brother remains on the other side of the room just staring emotionless at his younger brother. I remember when they were small and Matthew would always threaten anybody who came across as a threat towards Jace, but no matter how much he blames himself; none of us could of foreseen this unfortunate event occurring.

The doctor said that Jace was showing signs of recovering but it is still early days, in fact it has been three days since we returned home from the meeting with our social worker to only discover that Kyle Paul who we are up against in court had gone and shot our son whom was protecting his pregnant girl friend and his younger sister.

I just wish that he would wake up; no parent should have to witness their child possibly dying! Especially when that child is no more than sixteen years of age!

“Samantha?” Rebecca’s voice is heard from the hospital door, Zack is currently at my house baby sitting Madeline for us as well as taking care of his own son in the process.

“I am afraid I’m not here to visit Jace yet as I am on duty, but you are booked in for a scan for your baby” She informs us as we all nod our heads.

“Do you want me to come?” Leo questions as it is clear he doesn’t know whether or not to leave our son or come see his new child on the monitor.

“Stay here just in case anything happens, besides there will be a lot more scans to go to” I assure him along with a soft kiss on the lips. “I love you” I whisper as I pull away.

“I love you more” He answers as he kiss’ me again before I leave with Rebecca to go to the scan.

“Have the police caught the sick twisted excuse for a human being yet?” Rebecca questions trying to enlighten the mood.

“Not yet, but he best pray I don’t find him first!” I snarl as I feel the anger flowing through my veins.

“I second that! Now if you would like to hop onto the bed and just to let you know this may be cold” She informs me with a cheeky smile as she is well aware that I am a midwife so I know what to expect when expecting; may I just point out that woman don’t lie when they say that the gel that is placed on their stomachs is freezing. It’s colder than ice and that itself is saying something.

“Can you hear that?” Rebecca asks referring to the echoing sound of the baby’s heart beat that is bouncing off of the walls.

“I sure can but what is that other sound?” I ask as I hear another sound along with it and judging by the puzzled look on Rebecca’s face she is having trouble finding what ever is making that other sound.

“Well, Mrs Taylor if you look here at the screen this is your eight week old baby!” She says with a smile.

“What? Eight weeks? How is that possible?” I question in horror as we only discovered I was pregnant after the trial of IVF which was four days ago.

“You obviously conceived naturally before IVF” She grins making me match her grin. I did it. Or rather I and Leo did it. We conceived naturally after years of trying.

“And as for that other sound, that would be baby A’s sibling” Rebecca states with a mischievous smile.

“What do you mean sibling?” I ask but that’s when I notice them, I’m not having one baby, I’m having two!

“Oh my god!” I cry as reality begins to creep up on me. Yet, Rebecca just laughs at my delightful news.

“So now you have a pair of adopted twins and a pair of biological twins” She chuckles and IO must admit that makes me chuckle as well.

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