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 _. Lilliana ._.

“God dammit Lilliana I know these cars, they’re not stable yet! I know you’re going for revenge here but this isn’t the way,” Maxilina’s eyes were filled with pure worry.

“You’re getting soft,” I laughed carelessly seeing that she herself had changed, “What happened to the bad ass that would say what was on her mind? Huh? Or are you just worried that J.R will be attracted to me more too?” That hit the head of the nail.

Her eyes looked like cold steel as she yelled, “Go to fucking hell then Lilliana. Crash into a fucking tree and see if I'm there to help you this time in the hospital!” She stormed over to her bike and jumped on roaring out of the parking lot at an unfriendly speed, and without her helmet on.

I cursed mentally at myself, I shouldn’t have said that to her but she shouldn't be such a hypocrite either, I angrily climbed into my car knowing Zee was going with Spence to ‘study’ and peeled out of the parking lot after Maxi. But I lost sight of her.

“I said I, don’t care what you thin-“

“Hello,” I answered cutting off the ringtone.

“Hey Lillz,” J.R’s friendly voice sounded, “Wanna grab a bite?”

I gave a sad smile and sighed, “Why not? meet me at Pedros.”

“Pedros?” he asked for conformation.

“Yep,” I popped the p.

“See you in ten,” he said cheerfully. I hung up the phone and made my car do a super cool U-turn on the empty road as I went to my favorite burger joint.

I walked in and saw J.R sitting with his brother, well half brother. Same shit.

They both gave me a wide grin and it was amazing I couldn’t tell they were brothers before. I sat beside J.R and asked him why he brought me to lunch.

“We saw you and Maxilina arguing and how she drove like the demons of hell were at her heels,” Lexandro explained, “She never drives without a helmet Lilly Pad. What happened?”

I kept a blank face even though on the inside I was shaking a bit, Maxi was a master driver but I don’t think I could forgive myself if she got hurt, “She told me to be careful with the car, that it was still a tad unstable. And I sorta told her…”

Now that I thought back on it I sounded like a bitch.

“Told her what Lilly,” Lex’s eyes looked worried for Maxi’s well being.

I let out a huff, “I told her she was just worried that I was just gonna get more attention from J.R like Lacy,”

Lexandro scowled at me, I could almost see the disapproval rolling off of him in waves. “I’m going to go make sure she didn’t kill herself. See you at home J.R.”

He left the restaurant and I sadden a bit.

J.R looked beside himself, “I know you didn’t mean to hurt her Lillz. She just has weak spots, We all do in some way.”

Yeah, and mine’s your brother, “I just got mad she was telling me what to do is all. But she was just looking out for me. That’s all she’s done is look out for us I guess....”

J.R looked uncomfortable with that subject, “Lexandro still loves you Lillz.”

The statement caught me off guard and had my cheeks coloring, “Look whatever you heard. Whatever you assumed happened. You will never have the full story.”

Good Girl No More (Book2: Beauty Series)(Done)Where stories live. Discover now