The Truth

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;) Lexandro (;

Everyone looked at me with dumbfounded expressions, “Because you cheated on her?”

I looked at Laura and sighed, “After she drove off from Alejandros house she was going to Texas with some of our old family, that big tornado of 2009 hit. You guys remember the story right? A young girl was sucked into it with her truck, thrown around forever in that thing and somehow she survived.”

Their jaws went slack, “That was Lillz?”

I nodded, “She was in a coma for a couple months, and when she woke up, she had forgotten it all. She asked if I had finished her car yet and the doctor told us the brain tries to block out emotional trauma to recover faster and to protect ones self. When…” I hated that my voice cracked whenever I remembered or talked about it.

“When we told her she broke down,” Laura continued for me seeing my difficulty, “I had never seen her that angry in my life. She yelled and yelled and screamed, she ended up losing her voice, her throst even bled because of the strain on her vocal cords. And after they removed the bandages the doctor said the scars from the glass and other things that managed to get to her would never heal completly. They looked fresh for weeks, my mom got her a hoodie to cover all of them, finally she just left the hoodie on and even when her voice recovered she never said much.”

Zee sat there with a hand covering her mouth, Jay looked at me with pure anger, “So what? Did you two ever apologize?”

Laura and I looked at one another with ‘WTF’ faces, “No, how the fuck would we that. Everytime I even spoke to her for the first year she'd block me out.”

“Second of all,” Jay spoke curtly ignoring my argument, “You will have to explain why you cheated. Trust me; I’ve dealt with cheating before.” No one said it aloud but we knew he was talking about Lacy; thankfully she was at home refusing to meet up this early just to talk about Lilliana at Spencer’s house.

“So that’s what she meant,” J.R mumbled.

I looked at him with critical sharp eyes, “What are you talking about J.R?”

He returned my look easily, the kids got balls I'll give him that, “She said whatever I thought I knew, I didn’t have the full story. About you two”

Another sharp pain in my chest, “Did she say why?”

He grimaced, “She said sometimes she couldn’t even remember.”

I groaned, “God damn it! I’m so sorry, I just…”

“You just what,” Spence asked. I winced as I saw a hateful look on my best friends face. Something that was rare for either of us.

“The truth is...I dated Lilliana to get to Laura.”

The looks if possible grew more heated, but I continued, “Lilliana was was just some girl I knew. Laura was the beauty of the whole senior class. I knew they were related I just… I fell in lust with Laura. And when I told her, well it just happened. And every time she’d come to check up on Lilly’s car… I couldn’t stop. I never stopped to think how it would hurt Lilly. I only hung out with her for that, didn't think anything of her feelings really. But after seeing her like that… It hurt me, I felt like such a dick. At the hospital before we told her, I noticed how much she actuallycared for me.”

Not one word was spoken, but I could feel their gazes on that slow tear that dripped off my face, “When we told her …it alos killed me to see that pain in her eyes twice and knowing I caused it. God I wish I could take it back.”

Jay snorted, “But you can’t Lexandro. Your just gonna have to heal the wounds you caused.”

I let out a sigh, I never meant for this to happen… I never meant to hurt her.

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